The actress Lisa Niemi and the actor Patrick Swayze first became acquainted when Niemi received dance lessons from Patrick Swayze’s mother, Patsy. The first thing that stuck in Niemi’s mind about Swayze was that he was ripped and bronzed, with a captivating grin. She remembers him being self-assured and very well-liked, despite the fact that she had a timid personality.
They quickly discovered that they shared a deep connection, but Niemi was determined to pursue her passion for ballet and travel before settling down. She had moved out of her parents’ house nine months previously and was cohabitating with Swayze in a New York City studio apartment with only one bedroom.
When Swayze brought up the subject of marriage, Niemi quickly changed the subject. And when he asked her when she felt they ought to get married, she attempted to buy time by claiming that they would wed the following fall, which would be approximately a year and a half later. Swayze responded, disheartened, saying:
“If we are going to accomplish it, I believe we ought to get started on it as soon as possible. Such as the following month. What are your thoughts?”
After a little more persuasion, Niemi agreed to the union, and in 1975, the two of them took their vows in front of family and friends. They committed to one another that they would never part even in loss, it was a pledge they made to one another.
They got married in front of the most reverend priest there is Father Welch, who is also a friend of the Swayze family. Patsy had worked with him in some musical theater productions, and she frequently remarked on his wacky sense of humor.

According to Niemi, whenever she stared into Swayze’s eyes, everything around her seemed to come to life. Despite this, their marriage was far from ideal and was hampered by Swayze’s so-called “demons” as well as his misuse of alcohol. They were not able to deal with the situation and eventually split up.
Despite the fact that Swayze’s issues made it impossible for the couple to remain together, their love proved to be much more powerful, and after a brief period apart, they came back together. They had a healthy relationship before Swayze was diagnosed with cancer, which brought their happiness to a crashing halt.
Swayze and Niemi spent New Year’s Eve 2008 visiting friends in Aspen, and when the clock struck midnight, everyone raised their glasses of champagne in anticipation of a toast. Swayze grimaced as he drank his beverage, but he maintained his silence throughout. Throughout the entirety of their vacation, the same thing continued to occur.
After they had been gone for a week and had finally arrived back in Los Angeles, he approached his wife and inquired as to whether or not his eyes appeared yellow. He had been suffering from a severe case of dyspepsia for the past two or three days, and as a result, he had eaten very little during that time.
Even though Swayze reassured Niemi that there was no need to be in a hurry, Niemi insisted that they go to the doctor as soon as they could the following morning. Despite this, Niemi was emphatic and stated that
“No… it’s probably best to leave. This should not be happening. Let’s get you in.”
The medical professionals were alarmed when they found out he had pancreatic cancer since they believed it had already spread to his other organs. It had been recommended by the attending physician that he have surgery in order to improve his chances of survival.

Niemi did not abandon him at any point during his illness and remained at his bedside the entire time. Every day that she was able to spend with him was a triumph in her eyes, and she treasured each one.
Swayze’s health continued to deteriorate despite the fact that his medical team believed he would be able to beat the disease. Niemi persisted in remaining by his side throughout the entire ordeal, sleeping in his bed, hugging, and holding his hand.
Swayze tragically took his final breath early in the morning of September 14, 2009, as his wife sat by his side and checked for his pulse. After barely 22 months, the legendary actor succumbed to the sickness and died.
It was a horrible day for Niemi and for the entire globe in general. Niemi had lost her friend, lover, and spouse, and coming to terms with her loss proved to be a difficult obstacle for her to overcome. During the service for him, Niemi acknowledged that Swayze had become her “angel.”
Niemi was still texting her husband on the phone a full year after he had met an untimely loss. She revealed that sending him a text made her aware of his presence. Psychologists accept it as a method of coping with loss, despite the fact that it could appear unusual to outside observers.
The practice of using “magical thinking” as a means of coping with loss is rather popular. Niemi used to talk about how whenever she went on vacation, she would text her late husband and then cry a little bit. She finally admitted, “I just put what I always did: ‘I love you,’” she said.

Niemi went back to riding horses a few months after Swayze’s loss in order to help him deal with the sadness of losing his friend. She particularly enjoyed riding Kuhaylan Roh, Swayze’s white stallion, which was also ridden by Swayze during their vow renewal ceremony in the year 2008.
Niemi had a difficult time overcoming her grief, but she found that falling in love was an even greater challenge. Niemi was introduced to a man called Patrick DePrisco by some of their mutual friends a number of years after she had lost Swayze.
She had sworn off ever falling in love again, but she found herself smitten with the jeweler. She likened the experience of falling in love to having “a bad feeling, fluttering stomach, rubbery legs, and impaired brain capacity.” She described what love was like to her:
“Being completely immobilized, like some type of speared fish, floating around aimlessly after taking a potent sedative.”
Sadly, the couple parted ways in 2013 due to the fact that she had not gotten over her feelings for Swayze and was unable to cope with the loss of him. The uncertainty that surrounded their long-distance relationship put further strain on their blossoming romance.
Despite this, she sobbed for several hours after they broke up. Thankfully, they were able to get back together not long after that and continued dating for a bit before DePrisco got down on one knee on Christmas Eve, 2013, and engaged to her.

The engagement ring indicated that she would wed DePrisco, but after he proposed, she began to have second thoughts. She would talk about the fork in the path with People, which was a place she frequently found herself:
“Albert was aware that I had not stopped loving Patrick and that my feelings for him would never change, and he told me, “And I know you love me, and I love you.” How could I refuse to marry such a wonderful man?”
For Niemi, accepting the proposal meant taking a leap of faith, and she frequently questioned whether or not she was prepared to spend the rest of her life with another person. Then, she admitted that, prior to the proposal, her feelings for both men had never been in competition with one another.
The engagement ring indicated that she would wed DePrisco, but after he proposed, she began to have second thoughts. She would talk about the fork in the path with People, which was a place she frequently found herself:
“Albert was aware that I had not stopped loving Patrick and that my feelings for him would never change, and he told me, “And I know you love me, and I love you.” How could I refuse to marry such a wonderful man?”
Despite the fact that DePrisco grasped her stance, she was still not persuaded. Nevertheless, she had a dream about Swayze one month before her wedding to DePrisco. She said: “I had a dream about Patrick approximately a month and a half ago. I was with him. It was almost as if he was granting me his approval and reassuring me that everything would be fine.”
She was given permission to wed DePrisco, and the couple tied the knot in May 2014 in front of fifty of their nearest and dearest relatives and friends. In 2019, Niemi confessed that her feelings for Swayze had never changed and that she never stopped loving him. On the other hand, she is content in her marriage to DePrisco, with whom she anticipates a prosperous and joyous future together.

The proposal meant that she would marry DePrisco, but after hearing it, she began to have second thoughts. She would discuss with the people the forks in the path at which she frequently found herself:
“He told me, “And I know you love me, and I love you.” Albert was aware that I still loved Patrick and would always love him. He also knew that I would always love him. How could I possibly refuse to marry this man?”
Even though DePrisco understood her stance, she was still not persuaded by it. On the other hand, she had dreams about Swayze a month before she married DePrisco. In her words: “I had a dream about Patrick approximately a month and a half ago. I was with him. It seemed as if he were bestowing his approval onto me and assuring me that everything would be all right.”
She was given permission to wed DePrisco, and the ceremony took place in May 2014 in the presence of fifty members of her family and close friends. In 2019, Niemi acknowledged that she still loved Swayze and that her feelings for him had never changed. Despite this, she is content with her marriage to DePrisco, with whom she envisions a bright future filled with happiness.