The song “Tennessee Whiskey” has probably been playing in your head because it has been popular for a while. The song was first published in 1981 and featured David Allen Coe as the performer. The song was originally recorded by George Jones in 1983, and Chris Stapleton recently gave it another go.
Millions of people like listening to this country music tune. That is one of the reasons the video we’re about to show you immediately became popular online. Another country music song has been covered, this time by a man from Texas and his daughter. The man in the video below is named Kris Jones, and we think he has the best rendition of the popular song to date.

We really adore the video that his daughter took of the event. Who else wouldn’t start a truck concert recording? Additionally, it is adorable how she and her father lip sync the song. You can tell how immensely proud she is of her talented father!
She should be pleased with her father. Since this video was made available online, his fan base has been expanding every day. Everyone who hears it is instantly smitten by his voice!

Jones informed Ellen and his audience that he has always wanted to be a singer as Dayla and her father immediately flew out to be present on the show. But as fate would have it, he would encounter obstacles.

Watch the amazing video below: