A young man found a baby in the trash and made the “leap of faith” decision to raise the child even though he was only 22 years old and his own situation was not…

Jimmy Amisial made a journey back to his native country of Haiti whilst on a vacation from his studies at Texas State University, where he is majoring in communications and electronic media.

While he was there, he paid a visit to the orphanage in the area that he had been working at ever since he was a young adult. This time, though, he brought presents with him to give to the kids.

Before Jimmy arrived, he saw a large gathering of people congregating around a garbage can. They were discussing something. He maneuvered his way to the front of the throng and figured out what everyone else was staring at once he got there.

They had discovered a child in the garbage. “Everyone was simply gazing at him, and not a single person wanted to assist,” he said.

Jimmy Amisial, who was far more mature than his years would indicate, volunteered to take the baby home with him. There, he and his mother, Elicie Jean, gave the exquisite infant a bath, dressed him in clothes, and fed him.

Despite the fact that an inquiry was conducted, the baby’s parents could not be located. And since the court had no other choice, he requested that Jimmy take legal responsibility for the orphaned infant who had been discovered in the garbage.

The financial situation of Jimmy’s family had always been difficult, and he was now falling behind on his payments to the university.

However, he just did not have the ability to move away from the infant, who, paradoxically, seemed to be at the correct location at the correct moment.

Jimmy, who did not have a father in his own upbringing, was quite concerned that the kid would have a very difficult life without his assistance.

Jimmy added that “something within was telling me that this had occurred for a purpose,” and as a result, he decided to “take a leap of faith.” Emilio was the name he chose for the newborn baby boy.

Jimmy has been taking care of Emilio for the last five years, with the assistance of his mother. Emilio is referred to by Jimmy as a “bright light,” and he describes him as a musical little lad who is adored by all those who know him.

Donations to the GoFundMe page that has been set up to assist with adoption fees may be made by anybody who is interested in assisting with the formalization of this family unit.

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