Most of parents’ reactions would be one of worry if they received a message from the driver of the school bus, however, Annaliese and Jorge Narvaez-parents Salgado’s did not have any need to be concerned.
Cindy Clausen, a bus driver in Princeton, New Jersey, sent a message to the parents of two young passengers to remind them, “how lovely your children are, inside and out!” Clausen’s note was included in the package that was delivered to the family.

Your youngsters inquire about the possibility of sitting with Jaxson on a daily basis. Today, Annaliese murmured to Jaxson from behind her seat, “Come on, you can do it.” When we got at school, Jorge took it upon himself to take out his bag on his own initiative.”

When she read about the youngsters and their admirable actions, Jaxson’s mother, Belmax De Jesus, likewise couldn’t help but smile a grin.