The day you realize you are going to be a parent is one that you will never forget in your entire life. The world has just welcomed the arrival of a unique and helpless little person who is dependent on you. It is up to you to create the perfect environment for them and assist them in realizing their goals and ambitions.
In 2005, when Adriana Iliescu gave birth to her first child, she became a topic of discussion all over the world. The reason why? She was 66 years old at the time.
When Adriana gave birth to her daughter Eliza, she was filled with an overwhelming sense of joy.

There are some days that have the potential to completely transform an individual’s life. It is impossible to put into words the experience of becoming a parent for the first time; anyone who has ever done so will undoubtedly agree with this statement.
When you first see that adorable child look up at you for the first time, it is the most wonderful sensation in the world.

When Eliza Iliescu was born in Romania in the year 2005, she went through exactly that experience. Because of the girl, her mother entered the annals of history.
At the age of 66, Adriana Iliescu established a new record for the oldest mother in the world. For obvious reasons, Eliza’s birth made headlines, and Adriana was given a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for it.

“The mirror is cruel to women, but if you judge me by my vitality, I’d say I’m a young lady. When I’m a little more exhausted, I feel like I’m 37, yet I just feel like I’m 27. I am in better health than women twice my age,” she told Daily Mail.

Adriana, who was 71 at the time, also disclosed that she intended to have another child during her interview.

Like most moms and daughters, Adriana and Eliza have grown close over time. Eliza is a bubbly, witty, and incredibly content young girl.

“I don’t consume alcohol or smoke. Eliza will be 20 years old when I die if I survive as long as my parents did,” Adriana says, “I believe I still have a lot to offer her.
Adriana did not choose to have children at such a late age. Adriana Iliescu had to have an abortion when she was a young bride for medical reasons. Her husband left her when she was 24.

“While I was working, I couldn’t even consider having a child, she said, adding that “but from the age of 37, once I had finished my doctorate, I was ready to have a child.” However, IVF did not exist back then.”
When in-vitro fertilization became a possibility in Romania, Adriana was 57 years old. Despite receiving treatment, Adriana’s first pregnancy in 2000 ended in miscarriage.
Her desire to become a mother caused people to turn their backs on her. They believed Adriana was acting immorally, but she never gave up and remained steadfast in her desire to become a mother.

But soon, she had developed into a resilient young girl, and Adriana, who was extremely religious, wanted to baptize her daughter. Unfortunately, a few religious groups were against Adriana having a child at such an advanced age. Adriana got weird stares from the nuns during Eliza’s baptism, and one even referred to her as “the creation of evil energy.”
Eliza, according to Adriana, is a gift from God.
It has been 17 years since Adriana gave birth to her first kid in 2022. Despite the fact that Adriana is usually mistaken for Eliza’s grandmother, they are currently having a terrific time together.
The seasoned mother, however, still feels terrific both physically and psychologically. She has a lot of love to offer, and that’s what you need to raise a kid.

In addition to this, Adriana has ensured that Eliza’s future is in the care of competent individuals.

Eliza, who is 17 years old, has shown interest in studying and going to college; nevertheless, Adriana has expressed a desire to maintain the privacy of her family’s personal life for the time being. Brightside asserts that Eliza is a member of the honor roll and that she continues the academic tradition established by her mother.