Why ls There A HoIe On The Front Of Men’s Underwear?

The internet has finally discovered why there is a hole in the front of men’s underwear…Have you ever seen the mysterious opening at the front of men’s underwear and wondered what it’s for? Well, finally we have an answer. Over the years, people have hit up places like Google and Reddit to ask: “What’s the deal with those boxer holes?”….The internet has finally discovered why there is a hole in the front of men’s underwear…Have you ever seen the mysterious opening at the front of men’s underwear and wondered what it’s for? Well, finally we have an answer. Over the years, people have hit up places like Google and Reddit to ask: “What’s the deal with those boxer holes?”….The internet has finally discovered why there is a hole in the front of men’s underwear…Have you ever seen the mysterious opening at the front of men’s underwear and wondered what it’s for? Well, finally we have an answer. Over the years, people have hit up places like Google and Reddit to ask: “What’s the deal with those boxer holes?”….The internet has finally discovered why there is a hole in the front of men’s underwear…Have you ever seen the mysterious opening at the front of men’s underwear and wondered what it’s for? Well, finally we have an answer. Over the years, people have hit up places like Google and Reddit to ask: “What’s the deal with those boxer holes?”….The internet has finally discovered why there is a hole in the front of men’s underwear…Have you ever seen the mysterious opening at the front of men’s underwear and wondered what it’s for? Well, finally we have an answer. Over the years, people have hit up places like Google and Reddit to ask: “What’s the deal with those boxer holes?”….The internet has finally discovered why there is a hole in the front of men’s underwear…Have you ever seen the mysterious opening at the front of men’s underwear and wondered what it’s for? Well, finally we have an answer. Over the years, people have hit up places like Google and Reddit to ask: “What’s the deal with those boxer holes?”….The internet has finally discovered why there is a hole in the front of men’s underwear…Have you ever seen the mysterious opening at the front of men’s underwear and wondered what it’s for? Well, finally we have an answer. Over the years, people have hit up places like Google and Reddit to ask: “What’s the deal with those boxer holes?”….The internet has finally discovered why there is a hole in the front of men’s underwear…Have you ever seen the mysterious opening at the front of men’s underwear and wondered what it’s for? Well, finally we have an answer. Over the years, people have hit up places like Google and Reddit to ask: “What’s the deal with those boxer holes?”….