Here’s Why You Should Always Leave A Coin In The Freezer Before You Leave The House


Have you ever returned home to find your digital clock displaying the wrong time, unsure if there was a power outage? Discovering that your freezer may have been without electricity for an extended period can be concerning, as it could lead to defrosted food and the growth of harmful bacteria. In this article, we share a helpful trick that allows you to determine if your freezer experienced an outage and for how long.

What You’ll Need

To perform this trick, you’ll need just three simple items:

  1. A cup
  2. A coin
  3. Water

Performing the Trick

Follow these steps to perform the trick and assess the condition of your frozen food:

  1. Pour water into a bowl and place it in the freezer until it forms solid ice.
  2. Once the water has frozen and only ice remains in the cup, place a coin on top of the ice.
  3. Return the cup with the coin to the freezer.

Checking for Freezer Outages

When you return home after an absence, check the position of the coin in the cup before consuming any food from the freezer. Here’s what the coin’s position indicates:

If the coin is still at the top of the ice, it means that the electricity was not interrupted, and your frozen food should be safe to consume.

However, if the coin has sunk to the bottom of the cup, it indicates that the electricity was out for an extended period. The water completely dissolved, causing the coin to sink. In this case, it is advisable not to consume any food from the freezer, as it may have spoiled due to defrosting.

A Useful Trick for Long Trips

This simple trick can be particularly helpful when you are away on long trips. By using this method, you can easily determine the condition of your frozen food and make informed decisions about its safety.

Don’t keep this valuable trick to yourself! Share it with your friends and family on Facebook so that they can also benefit from this clever solution.

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