Jennifer Candy, daughter of the late comedic legend John Candy, celebrated her 44th birthday with heartfelt thanks to her fans on social media. The post included various personal snapshots, featuring birthday cake slices, a meal, orange roses, an ice skating rink, and a selfie, showcasing Jennifer’s striking resemblance to her father, which fans quickly pointed out in the comments.
One follower reminisced about watching John Candy’s movies in Finland, while others praised Jennifer’s likeness to her dad and sent birthday wishes, noting her father’s pride and presence in her smile.
The celebration extended within her family, as her brother, Chris Candy, posted a birthday tribute to Jennifer, highlighting their close sibling bond. Jennifer’s mother also shared a loving message, praising her as an amazing daughter and mother.
The Candy siblings regularly honor their father’s memory, especially on significant anniversaries of his passing. John Candy, known for his roles in iconic comedies such as “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” and “The Great Outdoors,” died at 43 from a heart attack in 1994.
This year, on the 29th anniversary of his death, Jennifer and Chris shared personal photos and messages on social media, expressing their ongoing love and remembrance for their father. Jennifer’s post included a throwback photo of her and her father in their kitchen, while Chris’s tribute featured a photo of John Candy, reflecting on the profound impact of loss and the lessons it brings.