Everything You Need to Know About Lice from an Expert – Tips From Town

Lice infestation at school can be stressful, but understanding these pesky critters can help ease the situation. Lena Gorelik, a lice expert from Lice Free Noggins, sheds light on what you need to know about lice.

What Are Lice?
Head lice are tiny wingless parasites that feed on human blood. They go through three stages: nit (egg), nymph, and full-grown louse.

What Are Nits?
Nits are lice eggs laid on hair shafts, resembling dandruff. They take about 8 to 9 days to hatch.

What Do They Look Like?
Adult lice are about 2-3mm in size, grayish-white or tan, and blend in with hair. After feeding, their abdomen turns brownish due to blood.

How Do You Get Lice?
Lice don’t jump, hop, or fly; they crawl. They spread mostly through direct head-to-head contact but can also be transmitted through shared items like brushes or hats.

Does Lice Always Itch?
Not always. While most people associate lice with itching, some may not experience any symptoms. The itching is due to an allergic reaction to lice saliva.

Is Dirty Hair More Attractive to Lice?
No, lice infestations aren’t related to cleanliness. They prefer clean hair because it’s harder for them to cling to oily hair.

Are “Super Lice” Real?
Yes, lice are becoming resistant to common treatments, earning the nickname “super lice.” Over-the-counter products may not be effective against them.

How Can You Get Rid of Them?
Treatment involves meticulous combing with a professional-grade nit comb and using non-toxic, pesticide-free products. Over-the-counter medications may not kill nits effectively.

Seeking professional help from services like Lice-Free Noggins may be necessary for thorough treatment and peace of mind. Prices for head checks and treatments are reasonable, and you can enjoy the process in the comfort of your home.

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