My Husband Ruined Our Lives by Asking for a Bigger Lunch

Alyson, 30, shared her painful story about her husband Frank’s betrayal. For five years, she had made his lunches, but recently, Frank began asking for more food. Alyson thought it was because of her cooking, but she soon uncovered the truth.

“I used to be happy, but now I’m almost sure I want a divorce,” Alyson wrote. Married with a five-month-old baby, she planned to end their marriage and cancel Frank’s legal residency process.

Alyson’s suspicions grew when she found a second fork in Frank’s lunchbox. Frank dismissed it, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. When she surprised him at his office with dessert, she saw him sharing the lunch she made with a coworker, who he had claimed was no longer working there.

“I didn’t make a scene,” Alyson explained. Instead, she took photos of them eating together and added them to her file of Frank’s previous indiscretions, which included inappropriate behavior with women that even got him fired from a previous job.

Devastated, Alyson left Frank, packed her belongings, and took their baby to her sister’s house. Frank, unaware of what happened, texted and called, asking about dinner. When he came home and saw they were gone, he begged for another chance.

Alyson stood firm. “It’s better to be alone and a single mom than to live with a liar who made me cook for his mistresses,” she concluded.

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