Boys On Trampoline Suddenly Freeze, Then Mother Hears Unmistakable Sound And Realizes Why

Tania Duenas Sweeney, a military mom stationed in Germany, captured a heartwarming moment when her son and his friends paused their trampoline play to show respect for the American and German national anthems playing at 5 o’clock on base.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Tania Duenas Sweeney

Sweeney shared the photo on Facebook, expressing her appreciation for the boys’ spontaneous display of respect. She explained that on base, everyone, including adults and children, stops whatever they are doing to face the direction of the anthems or a visible flag during anthem times.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Tania Duenas Sweeney

Sweeney emphasized that this habit teaches the kids the importance of respect at a young age. She recounted instances where her son’s baseball practice also paused for the anthem, reinforcing the value of this gesture.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Tania Duenas Sweeney

The military kids, who often endure extended periods without their military parents, feel a strong sense of pride in their country, particularly when living on a base or overseas.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Tania Duenas Sweeney

Sweeney posted the photo to give these children the recognition they deserve for their sacrifices and their innate respect for their country.

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