Cop Befriends Pregnant Homeless Lady and She Asks Him to Adopt Her Baby

An Officer’s Life-Changing Request

Officer Jesse Whitten of Santa Rosa, California, went beyond his duty when he adopted a homeless woman’s baby.

An Unexpected Encounter

During his regular workday, Officer Jesse Whitten, who has ten years of experience, befriended a pregnant homeless woman struggling with addiction. He often provided shelter for her.

One day, his wife Ashley joined him on a ride through the streets, where she had the opportunity to meet the homeless woman.

A Touching Connection

Upon seeing that the woman was pregnant, the homeless woman placed Ashley’s hand on her belly. Little did Ashley know that a year later, she would become the mother of that child.

A Remarkable Decision

In February, the homeless woman asked the Whittens to adopt her baby. Despite concerns about the baby’s health due to the mother’s addiction, Jesse and Ashley agreed to the request.

Respect and Admiration

People have expressed their respect and admiration for the birth mother’s decision. Instead of keeping the baby and risking her own life, she chose to give her child a better future by asking the Whittens to adopt her.

Welcoming a New Addition

The Whittens, who already have three girls under the age of eight, are thrilled about their new baby. Jesse describes the baby girl as having a sweet disposition and being observant. They hope that she may follow in her father’s footsteps and become a future police officer.

A New Member of the Whitten Family

During the hearing, Jesse and Ashley’s three daughters, Reese (7), Kendall (5), and Stella (3), unanimously agreed to welcome their newly adopted sister into the Whitten family.

A Heartwarming Ending

Baby Harlow Maisy is now officially a Whitten. Her middle name was chosen by her biological mother, and the Whittens kept it to honor her.

Jesse expressed how adorable Harlow is and how she immediately stops crying when they touch her, knowing she is safe.

A Lasting Connection

The Whittens remain in contact with Harlow’s biological mother, sharing pictures of the beautiful baby girl with her. They are committed to advocating for foster children and believe that all they need is love, which they have plenty to give.

Watch the video below for more on this heartwarming story!

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