When the captain’s voice is heard speaking to the poor, heavy woman on the plane, the rich man mocks her.

James, taken aback by the size of his fellow passenger, jokingly remarked to the flight attendant about her appetite: “Are you sure that will be enough? Because I think it would take a village to feed this lady!”

Dismissed by both the flight attendant and his seatmate when he voiced his dissatisfaction, James began mentally drafting complaints about the first-class service.

Unexpectedly, the flight attendant returned with a surprising invitation: “Excuse me, the captain is a huge fan and he’d love to invite you up to the cockpit.” It turned out she was addressing the celebrity passenger beside him, Allison Jones, known for her opera performances.

As Allison was whisked away, James resigned himself to his seat, contemplating his impending emails of complaint about the airline’s service.

Moments later, the captain announced Allison’s presence onboard and her upcoming charity concert, prompting applause from the passengers. James felt embarrassed by his earlier attitude.

The flight attendant warned James sternly: “I don’t care how many millions you have, if you upset that girl again, I’m putting you in economy.” Chastened, James apologized to Allison upon her return.

Reflecting on Allison’s words about not judging others, James remained quiet for the rest of the flight, contemplating his own behavior.

Upon landing in Portland, James absorbed Allison’s message and resolved to change his attitude towards others, regardless of their fame or appearance.

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