Woman Opens Her Door and Sees Crying Little Girl Who Claims Her Mom Is in the House — Story of the Day

How many of us can say that destiny came knocking on our door? For Anna Uriel, destiny appeared as a little girl with big brown eyes and braided hair.

One day, Anna answered the doorbell to see a girl no older than six in a pretty gingham dress. “Hi sweetheart,” Anna said gently. “I think you have the wrong house.”

The girl shook her head. “No, this is my mommy’s house. Please call her.”

Anna replied, “I’m sorry, hun. I’m the only one who lives here.”

The child started crying. “Please, I need my mommy!”

“Where is your daddy?” Anna asked.

“He’s at home. He says mommy’s gone forever, but I know she’s here!” the girl sobbed.

Anna crouched down and said, “Sweetie, your mommy’s not here. How about I give you some warm milk and cookies and take you home to your daddy?”

The girl looked up sadly. “Okay,” she whispered.

Anna turned to lead the girl inside, but when she looked back, the girl was gone. Had it been a dream?

Destiny can bring happiness to our door when we least expect it.