Passengers Ignore Crying Newborn Girl until Driver Realizes Baby’s Parents Are Not on the Bus – Story of the Day

The crying had been going on for too long, and Lucas couldn’t imagine how his passengers were tolerating the noise.

Lucas was driving the bus from Miami to Orlando, a three-hour trip. For almost the entire ride, a baby had been crying in the back. At first, it wasn’t a big deal, but now it was getting on his nerves. He couldn’t stop until Orlando due to protocol.

He hoped one of the passengers would ask the baby’s parents to soothe her, but no one did. The poor child kept wailing. Finally, Lucas reached the next stop.

“Can someone tell me who the crying baby’s parents are?” Lucas asked, but no one spoke up.

“Sir, I think the baby is alone,” someone said. Lucas found the baby girl in her carrier, with no one beside her.

Worried, he called the central office and learned that the mother had been accidentally left behind when helping someone.