Keanu Reeves is reportedly getting ready to propose to the girlfriend who “saved” him

Keanu Reeves is one of Hollywood’s greatest celebrities, having appeared in a number of classic films. Reeves has appeared in films such as “The Matrix,” “Speed,” the John Wick trilogy, and others. His films are said to have grossed $3 billion at the box office.

While his work is clearly great, the actor’s personal life has not been so fortunate. According to the Mirror, Reeves’ last conversation with his father was when he was 11 years old. In 1994, his father abandoned him and his family and was jailed for heroin possession.

Despite the fact that Reeves’ father was released in 1996, they never communicated. But the actor’s misery did not end there. According to The Sun, Reeves spent ten years caring for his sister, Kim, who had leukemia.

He apparently became her sole caregiver while managing an ever-expanding acting career. Fortunately, Reeve’s sister survived, and the actor established a cancer foundation in her honor.

Reeves’ life began to brighten after his sister’s recovery. He even fell in love. The “Matrix” hero met his former girlfriend, Jennifer Syme, at a promotional party for his alt-rock band Dogstar, and it was love at first sight, according to The Sun.

Their connection became deeper, and Syme became pregnant with their first child, Ava, but Reeves and Syme’s dream of becoming parents was dashed when they discovered Ava had died in her mother’s womb.

Syme allegedly suffered from post-natal depression after giving birth to Ava on Christmas Eve. The loss was particularly traumatic for the “Speed” star since it caused the pair to drift apart.

The two stayed friends and seemed to be moving toward getting back together until Syme died in a terrible car accident.

Syme was allegedly at a Marilyn Manson party. Despite being provided a ride, she allegedly chose to drive her Jeep home. Her automobile collided with a row of parked cars, and she died instantly. Express UK discovered that Reeves struggled to cope after experiencing two severe losses.

According to reports, Reeves’ anguish was reflected in his character in “John Wick,” who had lost his wife and children. The actor stated that he could identify with the character’s anguish. “Grief and loss never go away,” he added.

Following a traumatic occurrence in his life, Reeves adopted an unusual way of living. The actor never settled down and instead rented out apartments or motels.

For most of his adult life, Reeve allegedly lived out of a suitcase. In one case, the actor quipped that he had perfected his hotel life to the point of saying, “I’m down to one bag now, and smaller rooms in hotels.”

However, in a 2006 interview with People, Reeves said that hitting 40 changed his outlook on life. He realized he no longer wanted to be alone and on the run. “I purchased my first home. “I needed a place to live,” explained the actor.

The “John Wick” star also claimed that he wanted to have children and marry, but that he was still looking for the lady with whom he would start a family.

Reeves seemed to have discovered that special someone in his life, Alexandra Grant, a few years later. According to Hollywood Life, the pair originally met at a party in 2009, but their connection was platonic for a time.

In 2011, Grant and Reeves worked on a book titled “The Ode to Happiness,” which included some of the actor’s poetry as well as Grant’s artwork. They collaborated again in 2015 for Reeves’ book “Shadows,” where Grant illustrated the actor’s poems.

It’s unknown when the artists began dating, but Grant’s friend, Jennifer Tilly, told Us Weekly that the artist admitted to her that Reeves had been her lover for a few years.

Grant and Reeves’ relationship had been quiet until they made their first public appearance together in 2019 at the LACMA Art + Film Gala in Los Angeles.

When Reeves was 52, he was interviewed by Esquire, and the subject of children came up again. However, the actor assumed that the ship had departed for him to have children. “I’m 52, and I’m not going to have children,” he explained.

The interviewer, on the other hand, supported having children at any age. “I know, I know, I’m going to start utilizing chemistry,” Reeves remarked.

The artist asserted that nearly everyone she knew about her relationship with the actor contacted her following Reeves and Grant’s public appearance.

Grant had an unusual encounter. When asked if she envisioned herself marrying Reeves, she artfully dodged the subject, saying she believed in every stage of love. She was certain, though, that she did not want to be alone and that she enjoyed the sensation of being in a relationship.

Reeves suffered big losses in his life, and according to an insider, the tragedy changed everything for the actor.

According to the source, Reeves was in a very dark place when he met Grant, but her upbeat attitude and tolerance prompted Reeves to speak up about his anguish.

According to a Life & Style magazine source, Grant not only stole Reeves’ heart but also saved his life.

The couple is now said to be inseparable and likes spending time together doing things like “romantic candlelit meals and secret trips.” According to the insider, Grant was taking motorcycle riding lessons because it is one of Reeves’ favorite pastimes.

Even if things are going well with the pair, a source said Reeves was still dealing with his prior trauma. The actor is apparently focusing on mending his commitment difficulties since he does not want to lose another loved one.

Reeves is one of the few celebrities with a reputation for being polite, so “if anybody deserves to find love, it’s Keanu,” a close insider said.



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