The twins embrace one another while still in the womb with their arms, faces, and entire bodies. In one particular twin incident, a man was spotted reaching out to make contact with the female twin’s essence. His siblings respond by petting him closely. The twins repeated this behavior a year after birth by engaging in a similar round of close-up stroking. This could show that the twin relationship is established in the womb and endures long after birth. In reality, twins who have lost one of their twins at birth or before report really severe problems due to the association created in the abdominal areas of strength for. According to studies on twin misery, these twins constantly have overpowering tendencies toward hopelessness and emptiness.
The twins contact, cuddle, and suck each other when they are placed together on a bed that is identical after birth. This training, known as shared sheet material, has been shown to help babies acquire more weight and have better control over their breathing, temperature, and apneas. In fact, this is well illustrated in the illustrious instance known as “The Saving Hug.” When one of the twins was placed in the same hatchery as his twin, who was in basic condition, he was saved.