Grandfather of The Year.

A woman sees a grandfather and his grandson arguing in a supermarket.

The grandad is saying in a controlled voice: “Easy, William, we won’t be long… easy boy.”

William is having a hard time controlling his anger. His grandad is trying to help him by telling him that it will be okay, and that they will soon be leaving.

At the checkout, the little horror is throwing items out of the cart.

Grandad is trying to calm William down. He says that they will be home soon and that William should keep calm.

She says that she doesn’t care about what happened in the meeting, but from what she saw, you were really good. She doesn’t know how you managed to keep your cool and stay polite, even when William’s grandfather was being really loud and disruptive.

William is lucky to have you as his grandad.

“Thank you,” says the grandfather. “But I am William. The little boy’s name is Kevin!”

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