Happy Dads David Burtka and Neil Patrick Harris celebrated their 12-year-old twins’ birthdays with special posts…

Following and keeping up with celebrities who are also parents has always been a lot of fun. This is especially true for those celebrities who regularly celebrate their children, whether through endearing parent-child moments or by simply expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to be with their children. Both Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka are overjoyed to be the parents of a set of identical twins. If one were to hunt for any kind of evidence, the couple’s Instagram accounts would be loaded to the brim with pictures of their children, which admirers have been gushing over. In October 2022, Burtka and Harris marked the significant milestone of their twins’ 12th birthday with a unique post on one of their social media platforms.

The coupling of Harris and Burtka is widely regarded as one of the cutest in all of Hollywood. Both individuals have established themselves as prominent professionals in the entertainment world, and they have even been in films together at some point. However, the fact that they have such incredible chemistry in their everyday lives is what has contributed to the success of their marriage and what has made them so beloved to so many people in different parts of the globe.

Harris is a multitalented individual who is accomplished in the areas of acting, singing, writing, and producing. He has made appearances in a great number of movies, stage performances, and television episodes, with “How I Met Your Mother,” “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” and “Doogie Howser, M.D.” being some of his most well-known works. His body of work has garnered him various prizes and nominations for further honors during the course of his career.

Additionally, Burtka is a guy of many skills and abilities. He is renowned mostly for his work as an actor and as a professional cook. Some of his acting appearances have been in stage performances, while others have been in television programs, such as “How I Met Your Mother,” in which he co-starred with Neil Patrick Harris.

Over the course of his career, Harris has established himself as a reliable performer and a devoted family guy, earning him a beautiful reputation in the process. It should come as no surprise that Harris’s admirers have grown to adore his family nearly as much as Harris and Burtka love their pair of identical twins.

In 2010, Harris and Burtka became parents to their identical twins, Gideon Scott and Harper Grace, via the process of surrogacy. Because the couple is so open about the affection they have for their children, the four of them have been able to win the hearts of others both online and off.

The trip to Disney World is one of the family’s favorite ways to create new memories together. During an interview with People Magazine, Harris said that his family celebrates Christmas in Disney World in Orlando every year. In point of fact, he indicated that he will continue to take his children to the resort on an annual basis until such time that they “can’t tolerate” him any more.

“Our children have grown up appreciating and valuing not only the amusement rides, but the architecture and the imagineering that goes on, both in front of and behind the scenes,” Harris said. “Our kids have grown up appreciating and valuing not only the amusement rides, but the architecture and the imagineering that goes on.”

He went on to say, “So I still look back on how it has been a significant part of their life, and I can’t wait to continue it till they can’t stand me anymore,” as a follow-up to his previous statement. He went on to say that they had been traveling “since they were less than one year old.”

Due to the fact that they are twins, Gideon and Harper have always been quite connected with one another and cling very tightly to one another. During an interview with US Weekly that took place in 2019, the question was posed to Harris about whether he and Burtka intended to grow their family by adding either one more child or another pair of twins.

“No. That is to say, they have one another. They are identical twins. “All right, there’s a young man and a young lady, and they’re really pumped on one other,” he said.

When Harris and Burtka’s children celebrated their 12th birthday in October 2022, they were showered with nothing but praise and admiration from their parents, who were both full of gratitude.

Harris is the definition of a grateful and thankful parent. In a post he made on Instagram, he gave an impassioned speech about the happiness that his children offer him.

Today I turn the age of twelve. Without a doubt, Harper and Gideon are the two best things that have ever taken place in my life. ‘They enable me to be an imperfect parent and fill me with a form of love I never thought could exist,’ he explained. “They inspire me, make me laugh, and allow me to be an imperfect father.”

Harris went on to highlight the typical difficulties that come along with being a parent, saying, “Being a parent is all-consuming, and it’s the most continually tough thing David and I have ever done.” But it was really necessary. They are just fantastic. They are the offspring of mine. They are everything to me. I am indescribably pleased with who they are now and who they are developing into, and I cannot express how thankful I am to having them as a part of my life.

According to an interview that Burtka gave to New Potato, the most rewarding aspect of being a parent for him is being able to spend time with his children, listening to them laugh, and even seeing them grow into their own unique people. On the other hand, Burtka continued to profess his undying love for Harper and Gideon in an emotional post that he shared on his Instagram account. It was written here:

“Wishing these amazing children a very happy and GOLDEN 12th birthday!” I really can’t get over how quickly everything has transpired! I cannot express how pleased I am with how quickly you are maturing. You are kind, thoughtful, and sympathetic, as well as creative and possessing a wonderful sense of humor. I am pleased to be your father, and I can’t wait to see the changes that take place over the following 12 years. I couldn’t ask for better kids!”

In spite of the fact that both children seem to have inherited Harris’ hair, the actor shared with CTV News that they have decided not to find out who the genetic father of the children is.

“I have no interest in (finding out). We are their parents, and I have the deepest affection for both of them.”

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