On the eve of Christmas, a young mother’s frantic search for her missing son leads to a hilarious conclusion…

Kierra Madison from Detroit, Michigan became concerned when she could not locate her son, Jesse, on Christmas eve. This led to a search for him all over the house, and when he was finally found, he was found trying to climb up the chimney to find Santa. In the process, he got soot all over his face and hands.

Jesse’s mother inquired as to what he was doing, and he evasively said, “I’m looking for Santa.”

Everyone who read about the funny effort by the two-year-old to locate Santa thought it entertaining, and Kierra remarked that she found her son’s attempt to find Santa amusing as well.

“After searching high and low for Jesse, I was relieved to find him hiding in the chimney. I believe he had been in there for perhaps a couple minutes at that point. Kierra said that his sister had also attempted to follow him.

Jesse was able to see Santa, and due to the fact that he is a huge fan of Marvel characters, Jesse received a wide assortment of Marvel toys, apparel, and even a Spider-Man bike from Santa.

The mother documented the event by posting photos on Facebook, showing Jesse’s face and hands covered in soot after the occurrence.

Someone offered the following observation: “I enjoy the way this sweetie pie takes initiative! It is not necessary for you to compose a letter. There is no need for you to go to the post office. Remove the middleman and have a conversation with Santa Claus one on one. This youngster is destined for great things!

Someone’s worry for the little child was voiced when they said, “That chimney has to be closed before he attempts it again.”



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