Who doesn’t look forward to their child’s school ceremony, particularly when it includes performances of singing and dancing?
The adorable antics that children put on display never fail to put a smile on our faces, which in turn helps to improve even the most trying of circumstances.
Certain children stick out more than others do.
When there are youngsters that stand out in these performances, those who steal the stage with their charm and fearlessness, it is by far the finest thing that could possibly happen.
During her preschool graduation, Sophia, who is just 4 years old, delivered a spectacular performance.
The whole event was caught on video and uploaded to YouTube, where it quickly gained about half a million views and countless amounts of likes and comments.
We can see Sophia in the first row, all geared up and ready to shine in the video, and that is exactly what she does when the song that seems to be her favorite starts playing.

A future superstar in the making.
Sophia doesn’t care about what other people are doing around her; all that matters to her are performing the song to the best of her ability, and she performs an outstanding job at it.
She performs the song and does strong gestures to accompany it as if she were the only one on stage, despite the fact that there is a huge throng of preschoolers behind her. She sings the song and follows it with matching bold moves.
It does not seem that the other children surrounding her are particularly disturbed by the fact that Sophia stands out, but there is a girl standing behind her who does point at her at one point.
We have no doubt that all she wanted was for her parents to be able to include her in the video when all the action was taking place just in front of her.

She is very beautiful in every way!
Because the small girl’s performance was so well received, even Ellen DeGeneres asked Sophia to participate on her program so she could sing.
In point of fact, Ellen had a brief interview with Sophia, during which the latter revealed that she was “glad and pleased” about the fact that her performance went viral.
She also brought a sketch of Dory from Finding Nemo for Ellen, but the talk show hostess was stumped when she tried to identify it.
Watch as Sophia completely dominates the attention during her preschool graduation in the video that is provided below.