A woman talks about her life in a walk-in closet-sized apartment in New York City.

Apartments can be extremely expensive if you reside in New York City.

The high cost of living in this metropolis has made small apartments popular. It’s rather amazing how a person can even live in a house the size of a bedroom, isn’t it? It is achievable thanks to clever space utilization and a simple way of life.

But have you ever considered residing in a space that is only 80 square feet? Living in a space that is almost as large as a walk-in closet means!

A New Yorker’s tiny flat has become the subject of an internet obsession. 80 x 150 feet is the size of her room.

She is essentially living in a space that can possibly be smaller than the living room of your house. YouTube vlogger and TikToker Caleb Simpson, who is renowned for scouring the United States for amazing homes to share with his fans, included a video of her house in one of his uploads.

The woman who rents the little apartment with Caleb gives a tour of her house in the video.

Alaina Randazzo resides in Midtown Manhattan, the ideal location for a New Yorker who likes to experience life quickly. She was pleased to show off the small apartment she calls home in the city and expressed her affection for the location.

Alaina appears even longer than the space available for her to lie down at her height of 5’5″ with her body sprawled out. She even lives with a dog on top of all that!

Her residence features a loft that is almost ceiling-high.

She sleeps in the loft, but the room is so small that she can’t even sit up straight. The camera looks around the entire room from where she is lying in bed.

The apartment has a stovetop, a couch, a television positioned on one wall, and a small area with shelving. How she manages to cram everything in this tiny space is incredible.

Comparing the room Alaina leases for $650 a month to a regular-sized apartment in the metropolis, she may save more than $2,000.

The absence of a window in the room didn’t bother the woman because there was a skylight above her. Viewers, who have surpassed 4 million as of the time this story was written, are unsure of whether to feel surprised or scared by the little room that a woman as tall as Alaina lives in.

The room lacked a bathroom, and Alaina revealed in a TikTok video that she makes use of the communal restroom in the hallway of the building. Speaking of restrooms, there was one more drawback that she humorously mentioned during the tour.

The shower area in the other room was on the wall next to her love seat, but her neighbors are fine.

Alaina was cool with it when Caleb suggested they try visiting the loft, something he frequently suggests in his films. They discovered that the loft was only a few inches from the ceiling.

Alaina’s choice of a home may be questioned by some, but there is no denying that by choosing to rent it, she is saving a lot of money.

How little is this apartment, you ask? See more of it in the video down below.
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