WATCH: Christian Veteran Who Demolished Satan Statue Urges Americans To Reject Satan, Accept Jesus

Speaking to Human Events’s Jack Posobiec, Michael Cassidy, the Christian veteran who beheaded the Satanic Temples statue of Baphomet in the Iowa Sate Capitol shortly before Christmas, urged his fellow Americans to take a look at the culture and reject Satan.

That comment came as Cassidy told Posobiec about the shocking amount of hate mail he has received from Americans who are shockingly either pro-Satan or unwilling to acknowledge that Satan is bad and that statues of him should not be raised in public buildings.

Introducing the topic, Cassidy said, “So I’ve definitely had a lot of positive, I’ve had a lot of negative. It’s really been remarkable. People who get, I’ve got no idea who they are, that have said, you know, ‘we think what’s happening in our society is so bad. And we’re glad that somebody has taken a firm stand and said, ‘Satanism is bad.” And they and so that’s been good to see something that was tragic.”

But then he noted that he has received a shocking amount of hate mail for beheading the Satan statue, saying, “I mean, I’ve gotten a lot of hate mail from Satanists and Satanists, adjacent people. The one thing that is just you say, hate mail, do you mean they do they have your address, so they come in your house, like fake Facebook and, and Twitter, X.”

Giving one example, he noted that a father angrily told him he had been excited to show his daughter the Satan statue. Cassidy said, “And one thing, one message I got was from a father in Iowa, and he was mad at me, because the statute no longer be there, that he could no longer show his daughter, the satanic idol that he wanted. He had hopes, later that day, to have shown his daughter, the statue of Satan.”

Explaining why he thinks the issue is an important one, Cassidy went on to note that putting icons and idols in public leads to extensive effects, making keeping them out of the public eye all the more important. He said, “And I think that, you know, that kind of, hopefully puts things in perspective for people that maybe aren’t paying that much attention to how important or how, how much of an impact these idols this icons can have.”

Concluding, Cassidy explained what he thinks should happen, which is that people should reject Satan and accept Jesus christ. “I’m, again very simple. I want people to reject Satan, I want people to accept Jesus Christ. And that’s really that’s the center point of what I hope is out of all of this is seeing somebody want to take their dog to see the devil. It’s heartbreaking honestly,” he said. Watch it below.

Also during the interview, Cassidy explained why focusing on what children see and think is important, saying, “We always have to focus on the children. Because they understand that if you get them at a young age, if you target them at that age, if you indoctrinate them … they believe whatever you tell them.”