Bay Turner is well aware that he was created on this world to amuse people and to elicit a response from them via the use of his voice. Even though he has what may be considered a “boring” job right now as a legal assistant.
However, there is more to him than meets the eye, and his background is really fascinating.
When the doctors discovered that Bay had cancer, they knew that the only way to preserve his life would be to operate and remove the tumors that they discovered. Bay had confidence that God had placed him on earth for the purpose of singing, thus he was certain that God would help him get through this difficult time in his life.
However, the procedure did not proceed as well as planned. It was an accident, but the anesthesiologist managed to nick his voice chords, which resulted in them being paralyzed.
Instantaneously, it seemed as if he would never be able to fulfill his ambition of performing in front of packed houses. But Bay didn’t throw in the towel. He exerted a great deal of effort in order to recover the function of his voice chords. Not just to make vocal sounds, but also to sing.
In order to fulfill his desire to sing once again, Bay said that he had to “lift himself up by his bootstraps” and put in additional effort.
After that, he found himself trying out for the show America’s Got Talent, and the events that followed will blow your mind. He displayed the diversity and range of octaves that his voice is capable of hitting by singing in such a way that was both forceful and lovely.
In addition to receiving a round of applause from the audience, he was successful in persuading all four judges to vote in his favor, making his dream a reality.
The most memorable moment was when Bay gave his mother a big embrace after his audition. She had been his rock and his biggest supporter all the way through his tremendous journey to get to where he is now.