After having a little stroke, Hailey Bieber claims that she “battled with a little PTSD.” Find out more below…

Hailey Baldwin Bieber is opening out about the effect that her health problem has had, and will continue to have, on her continuing physical and emotional well-being.

A blood clot in the model’s brain triggered symptoms similar to those of a stroke, which led to her admission to the hospital in March at the age of 26. Baldwin Bieber was admitted to the hospital where she was given a diagnosis with a patent foramen ovale, also known as a PFO. This is a tiny hole in the heart that didn’t shut down the way it should have after birth.

She had a treatment to close the PFO, which she described in a YouTube video soon after as going “quite nicely.” She expounded on the health experience on the most recent edition of The Run-Through with Vogue podcast, describing it as something that was “extremely terrifying and really shocking.”

“It was without a doubt the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had,” she said again.

During the time of her health issue, Bieber Baldwin was reportedly in Palm Springs, she revealed. She said that even though she has been back to the location on many occasions, including while the podcast episode was being recorded, she still finds it “extremely triggering” to visit the location.

“Even the first few of times I came back here after that, it was a little bit of an odd sensation that was kind of like a trigger for me because you just recall exactly how everything transpired in that specific instant. But I believe that the silver lining for me is that it lead me to discover that I had a hole in my heart all along “She proceeded by saying that in the months after she was released from the hospital, she discovered a great deal about herself.

“After that, I had a lot of trouble dealing with anxiousness. I suffered from a touch of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), which manifested itself as generalized anxiety about the possibility that the traumatic event would recur “It was described by her. “Simply put, I had the impression that I never, ever wanted to go through anything like that again in my life. I mean, it was so terrible, so startling, and so discombobulating in every single manner that you could possibly conceive. I mean, it was just so terrifying.”

The creator of Rhode Skin went on to say that while she is “open to speaking about the experience if it may assist someone else,” she found it “very hard to talk about” in the months immediately after the incident even if she is “open to doing so.”

“Even the YouTube video that I had produced for my own channel proved to be challenging for me. It makes me feel those emotions again that I had while and after going through that event. The ability to speak about it becomes progressively less difficult as time goes on. I just want to express how thankful I am that I was fortunate to have such wonderful medical professionals, nurses, and other individuals that assisted me in finding out the truth about what had taken place “It was explained by her.

She went on to say that despite the fact that she is “just now starting to come out of that kind of fight or flight feeling of being nervous about something bad happening again,” she has slowly started to enjoy life once more without the anxiety or thoughts about what may or may not happen with her health in the future.

She remarked, “When I think back on it, I realize that it might have been a lot worse.” “At that very time, there were a lot of other, worse possibilities.”

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