Sonia, who is just 16 years old, performs the song “I Will Love You” on the French version of The Voice. And the wonderful performance that she gave is breathtaking in every way!
Her voice immediately captivates attention as she starts. She has incredible control, power, and beauty in her vocal performance. Sonia is just 16 years old, yet she has already established herself as a talented and self-assured vocalist.
Sonia sings “I Will Always Love You” from the depths of her being, which ratchets up the intensity of the song.
In order to build up dramatic tension, she is slowly turned around to face the judges and the audience. Her remarkable moments with her craft are praised highly by the judges. She uses a tone that is suddenly incredibly full and warm, which causes people to grin.
Then, towards the very end, this young lady unleashes the full strength of her great voice and captivates the audience. She does her performance with grace and composure.
Her singing is so advanced for someone of her age that one of the judges has even asked, “Who is this girl?” They are in a state of amazement. After she captivates the crowd with her performance of “I Will Always Love You,” she then pulls the song back to its roots, making it seem so genuine and endearing.
She is in complete control of the situation and everyone in it. She starts out on lower notes, but gradually works her way up to higher ones. It is breathtaking in every sense of the word. Everyone is up to give her applause.