How familiar are you with your neighbor? Are you acquainted with them to the extent of inviting them over to your place?
What do you think about letting them come live with you?
Chris Salvatore became neighbors with Norma Cook, an 85-year-old woman, and her cat Hermes in 2013.

After Salvator introduced himself, they became fast friends despite their initial greetings.
Salvatore, a 31-year-old actor, asked Norma to come live with him when she needed care, as they had become very good friends.
Norma’s health declined rapidly at 89. While in the hospital, Salvatore found out that Cook needed ongoing care before being discharged. She felt lost since she didn’t have children or family nearby.

Salvatore set up a GoFundMe page for Cook on the internet. The two close friends reviewed some caregivers before the 31-year-old understood he had to do more.
He explained to TODAY that the only alternative was for her to enter a facility. He couldn’t bear to do that to someone who is like his own grandmother.
He offered Cook a place to stay in his apartment.

Salvatore expressed his joy in being able to provide the gift of allowing her to spend her final days at home. He mentioned how difficult it must be to face the end of life in a hospital without loved ones or pets.
The pair ended up being great housemates.
Cook explained that they always watch the news. They mainly converse, enjoy Champagne, and snack on peanuts.

Sadly, Cook passed away on February 15, 2017. Salvatore shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram, where he often shared their travel adventures.
Salvatore shared that Cook referred to him as the grandson she never had.
Cook didn’t require Salvatore’s help at all, but he couldn’t stand the thought of her spending her final days by herself in a hospital.

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