10 Kids Who Did Things So Dumb Their Parents Had to Post About It

I’m all for privacy and consent and all of that, but listen. Your kids’ whole lives will be lived, to some extent, through the internet…and do you think their friends will hesitate to shame them when they make a bonehead move?

Not likely. So by starting them young, you’re just preparing them for the world that is to come. And these 10 parents are definitely justified in their decisions to share.

So, so dumb you almost want to give him a break.

You telling me there’s someone else in this house that draws like a 4 year old?
by inKidsAreFuckingStupid

Thank goodness for summer.

My whole house smells like peepee and the carpet cleaner won’t call me back.

He shall never ever live this down.

Unless you don’t actually want to know, because…

Most of the time, anyway. We are awfully tired.

I’m not sure how, but it definitely could. I’m sure of it.

And no, it doesn’t last forever. Mostly.

Maybe work on being nicer to everyone…including herself? Ha!

Honestly…. I can relate
byu/kevinowdziej inKidsAreFuckingStupid

Second, who buys a kid $400 glasses?!??!?

I’m dying, guys, and I can’t wait for my kids to get a bit older. It’s going to be hliarious!

What’s the dumbest thing your kid has ever said or done? Make me laugh some more in the comments!