Baby Adorably Sings ‘Hallelujah’

I remember when my younger brother was a baby, he would ask for us to put certain songs on that he’s heard on the radio while we were driving somewhere. He would sing along to this one extremely popular pop song (the clean version, of course!) and we always thought, “How does this little guy remember the tune and words’ like that?” Truth be told, it would boggle our minds, but it was also so fascinating.

Children have an infinity for music, and it also evokes so many emotions in them. You’ve probably seen videos of kids singing along to their favorite song as well, or children crying upon hearing a sad tune. Music always strikes a chord, and it has for the little boy in the video below, as well!

The toddler is 16-months-old and is full of life. He also loves to sing. Every time it’s time for this little one to take a bath, his mother starts to sing “Hallelujah.” But, mom doesn’t know that her son also has some musical talent of his own, and he’s excited to show it off!

It’s clear that this toddler loves this song because not only does he have the tune right on, he also sings the words with a lot more clarity than some children that are older than him.

Click on the link below and watch how the baby serenades his mom and the entire internet with his favorite song, “Hallelujah.”


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