love it when something traditional is spiced up and made more modern. Adding a new twist that’s personal always makes things more exciting and entertaining. This choir is no exception, taking an old favorite, the William Tell Overture from the 1829 opera, “William Tell,” and jazzing it up. You know the one the classic song that conjures images of horses racing down the track with speed and urgency!
In this hilarious and clever rendition of the song, the chamber choir from Timpanogos High School in Utah is donning long formal gowns and elegant tuxedos, ready to perform. It’s what happens next that has everyone hollering!
The large group is in formation on stage. As they start to sing, they shift positions, taking on the full length of the stage, and turning their backs to the audience. Naturally, the audience’s curiosity grows, and the choir reaches the first pause of the song, at which one of the choir members makes a hilarious horse neighing sound. This sets off the audience and sets the tone for what’s to come.
The members split into groups of men and women, and take turns demonstrating funny horse riding motions. Six of the boys start to gallop on imaginary horses, followed by a group of girls, eventually all riding together. They carry on singing, as they then form a full cluster, and pretend to watch a horse race from afar. At this point, audience members are in stitches, thoroughly enthralled by what could happen next!
The students carry on reforming around the stage, revealing a pianist and piano as they make their way to the risers. Their timed movements are well-played and fit perfectly with the song. This is a great show from beginning to end that ends with a fabulous round of applause from spectators. Together, they created a truly whimsical and funny show that still paid respect to the tradition of the operatic song. What a timeless piece!