As parents, one of the things we can do is to provide kids with the knowledge they need to stay safe and steer clear of the risks that may be found anywhere. Every parent should educate their children on how to react in dangerous situations and how to stay safe around strangers.
On November 11, 2022, a little kid from Pottstown, Pennsylvania, who was 10 years old at the time, was walking home when he was engaged in discussion with an unfamiliar person.

Sammy Green was unfamiliar with the woman, but based on the fact that she claimed to know his parents, it was likely that she also knew him. After that, she started by inquiring about Sammy’s family and where his father was located. She even told Sammy that he needed to go with her and that she would purchase him anything he wanted.
Almost immediately, Sammy was aware that there was something peculiar about the conversation that was taking place. The manner in which the stranger questioned him didn’t sit quite right with him, and as a result, he became uneasy and afraid very soon.

In spite of his rising concern, he was aware that he needed to move quickly.
Sammy ran to a store he was familiar with in order to seek assistance because he recalled what his father had instructed him to do in similar circumstances, namely to not trust anyone if he is being followed and to appear in a nonchalant manner.

In the heart of Pottstown sits a quaint little gift boutique known as Dani Bee Funky, where, at that time, there was just Hannah Daniels, who was 17 years old, inside. Sammy was seen on the surveillance camera walking over to her fast and explaining his situation while the other customer waited by the front entrance.
Because of the weird woman who was tailing him, he requested Hannah to impersonate his mother on his behalf. Hannah did not dither about coming to the aid of the youngster, who was obviously in a perilous circumstance.

She moved fast, just like Sammy did, and placed herself in the path of the boy and the mysterious woman.
During this time, the woman was seen standing by the door, appearing unable to communicate with anyone, and waiting for Sammy to come back outside. Hannah prevented the woman from entering by closing the door behind her and then leaving without saying anything further.

The proprietor of the shop, Dani Small, has also shown her admiration for one of her employees, who is only 17 years old but managed to do everything right. There are a lot of people who, just like Hannah Daniels, won’t think twice about helping children who are in peril.

In this scary situation, Sammy did everything in the way it was recommended by child safety specialists. He was aware that he was in a potentially dangerous circumstance, so he went ahead and sought assistance.