Cindy Crawford was one of the first supermodels to emerge in the ’90s, and to this day, not only does her legend endure, but she is still active in the modeling industry. Crawford was given birth on February 20, 1966, in DeKalb, Illinois. She rose to recognition in the late 1980s after relocating to New York and signing with the Elite New York modeling agency. Crawford was born in DeKalb.
She immediately entered the ranks of other top-level models working at the time, such as Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, and Christy Turlington, and she was featured on a cover of Vogue in 1990 among these other models, which is now regarded to be classic. In the decade that followed, Crawford was widely regarded as one of the most successful supermodels. She appeared on the front pages of illustrious publications and walked the runways for some of the most acclaimed fashion designers. In addition to that, she was able to get a significant amount of work in big fashion advertisements and even tried her hand at acting. She is still active in the modeling industry at the present time and has even begun to dabble in other fields, such as entrepreneurship.

It’s bad that we live in a culture where people are often quick to pass judgment, but there’s no denying that Crawford is stunningly beautiful. Every time Crawford, who is now 56 years old, puts anything online, she is flooded with comments from people criticizing her beauty. Even though she is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world, Crawford is not immune to having people criticize her appearance in a variety of ways. For example, internet trolls have argued that she is too old to be wearing a bikini, and other people have commented on how well she appears to be doing for her age. But it hasn’t prevented her from making all of her goals come true, and she’s still continuing to live the life that’s truest to who she is.
Crawford finally admitted that she is getting older and said that she had no desire to alter her looks in order to seem younger. She stated that she was annoyed by the persistent scrutiny of her aging appearance. Continue reading to find out more about Crawford’s thoughts on the aging process.
In the year 2000, Crawford decided to give up her successful profession as a full-time model in order to concentrate on her family and raising her children. However, the stunning beauty did not completely turn her back on the camera; she continues to model, although only for a limited number of advertising campaigns and fashion shows. Since that time, she has not only authored a book with the title “Becoming,” but she has also established her own furniture business.
Crawford has not been successful in evading the inquisitive eyes of the public, despite the fact that she leads a very rich and happy life. The supermodel gave an interview to The Cut in 2017 in which she was candid about aging and how she feels about being a woman in her 50s:

“Your skin, your hair, and the rest of your body are all subject to change. I am aware that despite the fact that I take care of myself, I am a woman who is 51 years old. That may be challenging at times, and I’m certain that it presents similar challenges for my sisters who do not pursue a career in modeling.”
Since Crawford is still active in the modeling industry, she has also discussed how the effects of aging have shown themselves in her work:
“A little part of you wants to express regret for the fact that you are unable to perform at the level you were capable of when you were 20 or 25… I want to be good at my work, and I want to deliver, but at the same time, I am aware that the contributions I can make today are distinct from those I could make when I was 25.”
However, the fact that Crawford is keenly aware of her age and the fact that she is no longer in her 20s is not a reason for other people to mock her or make fun of her for being older. She spoke out about the challenges that come along with using social media in an interview with New Beauty.
“I don’t need everyone on Instagram reminding me that I don’t look the same way I did when I was 20. I’ve got better things to do with my time.” I am aware of it. “Being in the public view may be challenging at times, and when that happens, you have to find a way to concentrate on improving yourself,” she said.
Crawford is obviously quite enthusiastic about the subject, as shown by the fact that she shared the same viewpoint in an interview with Haute Living. She expressed her opinion that it was not appropriate for someone to tell her that she was ageless since growing older is already challenging enough, much alone the fact that we live in a society that is obsessed with youth.
Why should I bother attempting to appear my age when I’m not even 25? Why would I want someone to think that I’m 25 years old when I seem much younger? I’ve had children. Crawford bragged about his wealth of life experience and said, “I have it everything.”

In an interview with New Beauty, Cindy Crawford discussed how her current priorities revolve on feeling and looking as well as possible for her age, rather than pursuing the illusive aim of preserving her youthful appearance.
“It doesn’t matter what I do; I’ll never look my age, whether it 20 or 30. I just want to be in terrific shape when I turn 50. I make sure to get enough of exercise, stick to a nutritious diet, and take excellent care of my skin. Women are put under pressure to do tasks that are physically impossible for their age group. However, it is not about appearing a certain age; rather, it is about looking your best no matter how old you are.
This strategy makes perfect sense, but due to the pressure that is placed on women, particularly those who are in the public spotlight, to seem young for longer, it is easier said than done to put it into practice. The question is, how precisely does Crawford put what she preaches into practice? by drawing ideas and motivation from her close female pals. She said to The Cut that:
“I don’t pull my friends’ appearances apart when I look at them; instead, I focus on how stunning they are. I believe that in order for us women to be kinder to ourselves, we need make an effort to look at ourselves through the eyes of our friends rather than the very hypercritical eye that we often turn on ourselves.”
The kind words said by Crawford are extremely uplifting, and they represent an example that everyone of us should do well to follow in our day-to-day lives.