The acclaimed actor Michael Douglas is devoted to his role as a family provider. A short while ago, the actor from “Fatal Attraction” celebrated the fifth birthday of his granddaughter. The celebration included all of Michael’s relatives, and his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, posted a photo on social media showing her husband holding one of their granddaughters.
Lua Izzy Douglas is the name of Michael’s granddaughter, and she is the product of Cameron Douglas and Viviane Thibes, who are married. Cameron is one of three children who belong to Michael. His younger sister is Carys Zeta Douglas, and his older brother is Dylan Michael Douglas.
A photograph that Lua’s ecstatic parents had taken of their child showing her having fun on a swing was posted online. Her mother told her daughter that she would always love her and sent her best wishes for the next year. Catherine is a loving step-grandmother, much like her husband, who also has a large family. She left a comment on the page, in which she said:
“Happy birthday to our lovely, witty, and always good-natured Lua, who never does anything wrong! We adore you ❤your Zeze😘😘😘.”

“My love. Lua Douglas. Bringing the ruckus!!!”
In addition, Lua and her father appeared in a photo together that was included in a status update that her father shared on Instagram. Cameron lowered himself to the ground, and his daughter, who was wearing a leather bomber jacket, stood in front of him.
When Michael’s eldest son, Cameron, was growing up, Michael wasn’t always the most present parent for his children. Because of the nature of his work, he was often kept busy, and because he was required to travel to a variety of locales to make movies, he was absent from his house on a regular basis.
Grandpa Douglas was overcome with happiness when he finally got to meet the Douglas family’s newest member.
Michael is working hard to make up for the time he spent away from his son by being a doting and engaged grandpa. These days, he is also striving to make up for the time he spent away from his son. It was said that Michael was “infatuated” with his granddaughter and that every time he held her, she made him feel as if he were a young man again.
According to a reliable source, Michael adores quality time spent with his granddaughter. He loves the time they spend together being goofy and making her laugh. According to the source, he “takes tremendous delight” in making her laugh by “drawing a stupid face,” “playing the tickle spot and chase,” and “chasing” her about.

Michael Douglas did not go to the hospital to see his newest grandson, Ryder T. Douglas, who was born in December of 2020. Ryder was Michael’s second grandchild. Michael was required to maintain a safe distance from the infant child in order to comply with the conditions of his Covid contract. After not seeing the infant till a month later, he captioned a post with the following:
“This is the first time I’ve seen Ryder, my grandson who is a month old!”
Michael could be seen grinning in the accompanying photograph as he carried young Ryder in one hand and a baby’s bottle in the other. The image was of Michael. Grandpa Douglas was overcome with happiness when he finally got to meet the Douglas family’s newest member. Michael congratulated his son and his girlfriend on the birth of their second child in a different message, which read as follows:
“Best wishes to Cameron and Viviane on their engagement! Ryder T. Douglas, you are very welcome to the world.”
Cameron is the only one of Michael’s children that have been successful in starting their own family at this point. The actor had his two younger children with his second wife, Catherine, but he is still legally married to his first wife, Diandra Luker, with whom he shares custody of his eldest son.
A few more pleasant surprises were in store for the Douglas family in 2020, in addition to the arrival of the family’s second grandson. Kirk, Michael’s father, passed away on February 5, 2020, at the incredible age of 103. It was a sad day for the whole family. Anne Douglas, the family’s step-grandmother, turned 101 on the day when everyone got together to celebrate her birthday.
The whole family sent love birthday messages and Instagram postings on Anne’s profile in honor of their grandmother, who they all refer to as “Oma.” Catherine praised her for all she has done for the family over the years, while Michael thanked her for being a wonderful stepmother. Michael also thanked her for the many things she has done for the family over the years.