The wife of Queen guitarist Brian May became his caregiver and muse, and the couple has been together for 22 years despite dire prognoses to the contrary…

Marriages that last a lifetime are not particularly common in the entertainment industry; while things often get off to a good start, they frequently deteriorate as time goes on. On the other hand, every once in a while, a love comes along that is so powerful that it lasts through the highs and lows of a relationship.

One such example of an everlasting love story is that which Brian May has with his wife Anita Dobson, whom he has been married to for a very long period. Recently, the couple celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary and released images from the occasion on social media on their joint website.

The first time they crossed paths was in 1986, when Dobson was at the pinnacle of her career on “EastEnders,” and they soon began dating after that. However, in 2015, when appearing on an episode of “Loose Women” with his wife, May said that many people in his entourage did not feel their relationship had a future, including the lead singer of Queen, Freddie Mercury.

May also stated that his management at the time had laughed at the thought of him marrying an actress, but in spite of this, he went ahead and did it anyway, and he has never once been sorry about his choice.

It is common knowledge that he seizes every occasion to speak well of his wife and the qualities she has. The singer discussed his incredible wife’s career in an old video that was uploaded on YouTube and included him answering the questions that he gets Googled the most.

May took advantage of a question that questioned about who he was married to by using it as an opportunity to tell about how Dobson was when the two of them first met.

He said that conflicts, which are sometimes sparked by insignificant factors, only take place because they care about one another. The composer claims that at the time, Dobson was more well-known than he was as a result of the television show “EastEnders.”

In addition to that, he said that her part as Angie in the series was both one of the finest and worst things that could have happened to her.

Dobson’s participation in the program, which May claims was a wise decision since it gained her recognition and fortune, was praised by May; nonetheless, he provided an explanation: “People were so attached to this amazing persona, Angie, that she had crafted, that they wouldn’t let her be anybody else.

Therefore, she has put in a lot of time and effort to reassert herself as the actress that she was before she became involved in the soap opera. She is not just a phenomenal performer but also a phenomenal wife in addition to being a phenomenal actor.”

May attaches a great deal of significance to Dobson. In addition to all of the things that he described above, he also has the luxury of being able to call her his inspiration. Reports claim that the iconic tune “I Want It All” that he penned was inspired by her.

The couple has been married for more than twenty years, and judging by the way things are going, it seems like they will continue to be married for many more years to come. It is obvious that their narrative is based on a Hollywood fairytale.