We all know that curious little kids can do some pretty strange things. In the end, they are just seeing what the world has to offer. I’m sure you have some memories and stories from when you were a child. Is that right?!
Most of the time, toddlers and small children’s experiments are cute and safe. However, sometimes things can go a little bit wrong. This toddler learned a lesson early on, but luckily no real damage was done.
Small children tend to do what they see adults doing. Sometimes it’s cute, but sometimes their little minds don’t work out the way they thought they would. Just look at this video of the little toddler. This video shows Ashleigh, who is three years old and has done a lot of different things with her hair.
This funny video will make you laugh with regret. Plus, you’ll be happy with how her father took care of everything. Well done, Dad! On Father’s Day, his family will treat him very well because they love him.
The little girl cut off nearly all of her hair that she could reach. She seems to have ended up with, well, just watch. On the front, I think she did a pretty good job. Very athletic. I think it’s great for summer.
When asked why she did it, she said it was because Miss Jessica cuts hair and she wanted to do the same! But what she asked at the end made me laugh out loud. To find out, you’ll have to watch the whole video.
Please watch and share how cute little Ashleigh reacts. I’m sure you can understand if you have a toddler at home. Use the “Discussion” section at the bottom of the page to tell your story.