Girl Is Sent Home to Die, Mom Prays All Night and Hears Her Saying ‘Jesus’

Losing a child is never easy, and one mother called upon God to save her daughter’s life when she was on her deathbed. The mother witnessed something supernatural that defied logic and reason.

When people experience a miracle, their lives change forever, and they often look back on it in times of trouble to remember that nothing is impossible. Jamie Bakenhaster needed a miracle when her three-year-old daughter became ill.

Brittany had epilepsy, something her mother also suffered from. However, the youngster’s form of the condition was much more severe.


The family’s story was shared in 2008 and revealed how a desperate mother asked God to save her child. Jamie prayed: “Oh, God, Touch Her.”

Sadly, Brittany spent years going in and out of hospital as medical professionals treated her illness. It was tough on Jamie, who felt a sense of responsibility. She expressed:

“They’re your flesh; they’ve lived in you. And when she would pull at me to help her and I couldn’t. I blamed myself a lot; I thought, ‘I’ve given my daughter this sickness.’”


Brittany’s condition affected the family drastically as they struggled to see her suffer and battled to pay her medical bills. Their precious child could not enjoy life and had to wear a helmet to protect her head during the frequent seizures.

After a three-week stint in the hospital, doctors told Brittany’s parents that her entire brain was seizing, and they suggested the girl return home so she could be comfortable before she passed away.


Jamie was heartbroken, but she held onto a promise from God. The mother had asked God for a miracle and shared that Psalm 37:4, 5 kept her going.

She believed her little girl would be running and playing again because God told her it would come to pass. After the shocking news that Brittany’s condition had deteriorated significantly, Jamie said:

“I knew she was close to death. But I thought, ‘Lord, you said you would bring it to pass.’”


When they returned home with Brittany, the desperate mother continued to pray throughout the night. She was stunned when her daughter started to speak and recognize her the following morning.

Jamie shared that her child repeated one word constantly. Brittany said: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” She also described heavenly peace and shared an image of Jesus amongst the angels. Jamie expressed:

“Who could tell a five-year-old child that? I knew that she had encountered Christ.”


Doctors were in disbelief when Brittany returned and showed signs of healing. Months went by, and the youngster grew healthier, as did her mother. When doctors took a scan of Jamie’s brain, they realized she no longer needed her medication.

The doctors told her: “A miracle has taken place. Your brainwave’s now clear.” Jamie and her daughter were healed, and both continued to share their unbelievable testimonies. The mother added:

“God kept his promise. And he will. And he does.”


Miracle stories are often unforgettable, and another family encountered something supernatural in 2015, shortly after their baby was born.

Nathaniel and Hayley Oliveri were thrilled to welcome baby Gabriella Jane. However, the infant’s heart stopped beating 30 minutes after her birth.


The couple instantly decided to pray, and after a few moments, Hayley saw Jesus’s hand on her baby. Gabriella’s heart started beating again, and her journey to health and healing followed until she was completely recovered.

Supernatural incidents defy logic and leave people dumbfounded. For the Oliveri and Bakenhaster families, their faith carried them through difficult times and kept them hopeful until their loved ones were healed.

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