Dying man wins $20k on Family Feud. What Steve Harvey did will astound you

Watch this video to see Steve Harvey discuss how he gave a dying man $25,000 on his show Family Feud.

Steve Harvey was taken aback when he asked a Family Feud winner why he kept crying after winning the $20,000 prize.

“Finally, he got the $20,000 and simply dropped on his knees and wouldn’t stop weeping,” Steve Harvey explained. “I was chatting to him after the show and said, ‘Hey dude, you were very passionate about the $20,000,’” she explained.

That’s when Steve learns some surprising information about the man. “Steve, I’m terminally ill,” he says. I only have three months to live, and I can’t receive insurance because of my disease. “I need this money to support my family.”

The prize money from Family Feud would be utilized to relieve his family of the burden of his expenses. This moved Steve so deeply that he donated an additional $25,000 of his own money to this brave man. What generosity!

“Steve Harvey, you’re a lovely human being,” one person says online after seeing this YouTube video clip. “You gave that man and his family more than money; you gave them hope for the future.” God’s blessings on you and your family!

“What a wonderful act of charity and love.” Thank you for setting an example for all of us, Steve Harvey. “God bless this man and his family,” says another YouTube user.

What a lovely gesture of generosity from Steve Harvey, and may we all search for ways to help people in need. And it does not always have to be monetary! Serving others with our time and abilities demonstrates God’s love for them.

6:10 (Hebrews): “God is not unfair; he will remember your labor and the love you have given him as you have helped and continue to serve his people.”