“Let America Be America Again”

Langston is writing a poem about someone who feels that America does not live up to what it should be. The tone is angry and resentful. He points to the people who’ve come here with hopes and dreams and they’re being let down. He’s also saying that there is an economic disparity between people. In … Read more

Emotional Impact: 10-Year-Old Impresses with National Anthem, Tears Grown Men”

Jadon Perez’s 10-year-old recital of the National Anthem stands out among other children singing it, and it is gaining popularity on social media. Jadon, who is well-known on TikTok for his great voice, sang live at a golf tournament fundraiser.Wow, that’s incredible! It’s amazing how music, especially when performed with such passion and skill, can … Read more

Michigan Parents Sue School, Allege It Concealed Daughter’s Transition From Them

Attorneys for the Alliance Defending Freedom have filed suit against a Michigan school district on the behalf of a mother and father who allege that employees of the school district assisted the couple’s child, a middle schooler, in transitioning, and concealed the school’s actions in that process from the parents. In the lawsuit, the Alliance … Read more