Being a parent is a significant responsibility, and it can be considerably more challenging when times are challenging, particularly from a financial one. People may be fortunate enough to have family members who are willing to assist them get through difficult times, but there are other circumstances in which adults may not be so fortunate. She was a mother of twin daughters living in Michigan, and unfortunately, she ended up falling into the second group. That is, until members of her community banded together to provide her with the assistance she lacked at the time and offered her the support she needed.
The narrative takes place in 2017, and it focuses on a kind-hearted police sergeant who made a significant improvement in the lives of a single mother and her two youngsters. Hayden and Abbigale Harrison are Erin Harrison’s daughters; they are identical twins. According to reports from WXYZ-TV Detroit, the family makes their home in the quaint community of Walled Lake, which is located in the state of Michigan.
When Harrison approached Sergeant Heather Kolke, she was merely doing her job and patrolling the city as she normally would. Sgt. Kolke was quoted as saying to the news site, “She began asking me legal questions.” It wasn’t long before Harrison inquired whether it was legal for her to sleep in her vehicle with her girls. It is obvious that this triggered alarm bells in the brain of Sgt. Kolke.
The officer started asking questions to learn more about the family’s circumstances, and she eventually discovered that Harrison had just recently been evicted because she was unable to keep up with her rent payments. Harrison had been working at a fast-food restaurant for four years, but the pay was not sufficient to keep up with the bills.
Sgt. Kolke, who was also a mother and had been moved by Harrison’s tale, realized that she needed to take action in order to provide assistance.
Make sure you read all the way to the end of this post so you can see the whole video.
Harrison was in a desperate situation, and she reasoned that she and her daughters could live in the car until she was able to save enough money for them to be able to stand on their own two feet once more. In the meantime, she intended to park the car at Walled Lake Elementary School so that it would be convenient for her to bring the children to and from school.

Sgt. Kolke sent out a call for charitable contributions on behalf of the Harrison family in the hopes of amassing sufficient funds to house them in a hotel and get them off the streets. It was also Hayden and Abbigale’s ninth birthday on that Saturday and Sgt. Kolke was able to gather some more monies in order to ensure that the two girls could at least enjoy their birthdays in an appropriate manner.
The altruistic purpose of the police officer to assist the Harrison family even spurred the mayor of Walled Lake to ask the community on the local news if they could join together and come up with a long-term solution for the family to their problem. A man was in the middle of viewing the news with his children when they posed the question of whether or not his family could also assist in some manner. The man’s name is Eddie Osram, and he runs a successful local business. He owns the Marathon store that can be found within the city. He shared the following with WXYZ-TV Detroit on the willingness of his family to assist:
“At that point, I thought, let me see what I can accomplish,” the speaker says.

One of the residents was moved to provide assistance since, when he was a child, he had gone through something quite similar. He said the following to the regional news station:
“I come from a background that is quite similar to yours, and to put it simply, without assistance I would not be where I am now.”
In the meanwhile, Osram’s children expressed a desire to give the money they had saved from their allowances to Harrison’s twin daughters, which amounted to a total of $341. Osram said:
“All of us anytime we need support, we join to help one other.”
Harrison was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from her community, and she found it difficult to find enough words to convey her thanks. She told the news outlet, “It melts my heart to know that there are people out there that care.” She couldn’t be more thankful for all of the generosity of her community, as she said she’d use the money to get her and her family into a home. She couldn’t be more thankful for all of the generosity of her community. She went on to say that
“I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart because it means the world to be able to travel someplace for my daughters,” the mother said.
This tale serves as a reminder that we can never completely know the circumstances of another person and that even the smallest act of kindness may build up to significantly improve the quality of another person’s life.