The audience and the judges on America’s Got Talent were astounded by the audition of a lady who has autism… Take a look at it here!

On America’s Got Talent, there has always been a diverse array of musical acts to choose from. Aubrey Burchell is an excellent example of one of these exceptional people who also happens to be neurodiverse.

When Aubrey first appears on stage, she is wearing a pink costume and her hair is dyed red. She greets you with a nervous shake of her head. She is candid with the judges and shares personal information with them.

She talks about her upbringing in Pennsylvania as well as her career at Target. Aubrey reveals that in the past, when she was feeling down, she would sing to herself during her breaks.

When questioned about her goals, she stresses that she wants to be recognized with prizes and perform in front of packed venues. In addition to that, she reveals that she was diagnosed with autism. Aubrey breaks down in tears as she expresses her wish to inspire autistic people in general.

One of the judges wishes her the best of luck and congratulates her on her achievement. As the cheers of the crowd continue, she is getting ready to sing. Before the music begins, Aubrey can be seen craning her neck.

Aubrey’s rendition of the song “Call Out My Name” is very stunning. The people in the crowd start to cheer after hearing her wonderful performance. She sings with her eyes closed and moves her body as she does so.

She hits a high note, and the audience erupts in applause. When she reaches yet another high note, the audience explodes into applause once again. Terry Crews claps and cheers for her from backstage.

As Aubrey continues, even the three judges on the panel start clapping for her. You can clearly tell that her performance had the judges completely mesmerized. Aubrey’s demeanor is becoming more passionate as she works the microphone.

As she finishes, Aubrey starts crying and hides her face with her hands. The whole crowd rises to their feet and begins to cheer and clap. The judges all offer her standing ovations after hearing her performance.

The judges are unanimous in their assessment that Aubrey has an outstanding voice. Aubrey is experiencing anxiousness and anxiety as she listens to them express their gratitude.

The way in which Aubrey individualized the song is emphasized by Simon. When he adds that her career is about to take off, the crowd enthusiastically applauds.

a sentimental Thank you, says Aubrey. Every juror votes “yes” in the poll. Simon’s response is, “Naturally, yeah.” While she is standing, the audience applauds her accomplishment.

The moment the music started playing, it was obvious that Aubrey would advance to the final round. It’s even more amazing that she sung in order to provide a positive example for others who struggle with autism.

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