Video: A couple decides to adopt 7 siblings who have spent the last two years living apart in 3 various foster homes, saying when they saw their…

It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, but what if you find yourself in the position of parenting seven children all at once?

Chris and Jessica Milam of Denton County, Texas, have decided to take on the challenge of adopting seven Filipino siblings who had been separated for more than two years. Prior to their adoption, the Milam children had been living in different parts of the country.

The two brothers and five sisters, whose ages ranged from five to 12 years old, had been split up and placed in three different foster care homes throughout the state. Chris and Jessica are finally able to bring their children home after going through an ordeal to adopt them that lasted for eight months.

“As soon as I started reading their profiles, I knew that these were the right children for us,” she added. According to what Jessica said, “they loved animals, they liked to create, and they loved plants.”

“We constructed a home with the intention of having children in it, so we were aware that there would be enough room.  Because we have our own business, taking care of our seven children of varying ages is made just a little bit simpler by this fact.”

The judge made everything official at the ceremony that took place on June 8th.

The court said that she was going to come to the conclusion that it was in the children’s best interest for the adoption to go through. “The adoption will be approved, the name change will be approved, and the record will be sealed. Congratulations.”

The children have waited a very long time for this moment—to be reunited with both of their parents and to have the assurance that they are loved without condition.

“Each and every one of them was like, ‘Can we just come home with you now, can we just come today?’” Jessica stated. They were attempting to negotiate an earlier arrival time. They were ecstatic not just to finally be all  together, but also to have parents.

Chris elaborated more by saying, “They were arguing over when they would be able to arrive.”

Chris and Jessica always intended to become parents via adoption, but they never expected that they would immediately become parents to seven children all at once. Despite this, they cannot contain their excitement about expanding their family.

Not only do the siblings have each other, but they also keep a few animals as pets at their house.

One of the small girls explained what it implies for their future: “It means we’re going to remain there forever.”

Her elder brother continued by saying, “We’re going to have a family to take care of us until we’re grownups and can take care of ourselves,” and she nodded in agreement.

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