Everyone is aware that Jesus was crucified so that he could redeem us from the consequences of our sins. We must never, ever forget the wounds, lacerations, mocking, and crucifixion wounds that He experienced for the sake of humanity. Those are things that we cannot forget. Since then, there have been individuals who have sustained injuries known as “stigmas,” and the majority of these individuals are now revered as saints in the Roman Catholic Church.
Recently, in Quezon City, Philippines, a baby boy was delivered with unusual wounds that were strikingly comparable to the wounds that Christ endured during his crucifixion. Many people in the Philippines and the rest of the region have become believers after hearing reports about the bizarre injuries that were found on the youngster. In the hopes of catching a glimpse of the “fortunate” newborn, thousands of people gathered at the hospital where the baby was delivered.
Baby was born with the Miracle of the Seal of Jesus

Jejomar Castillo was born on March 15, 2015, at around 7:30 in the morning, weighing 3.2 kilograms. However, the boy’s hands, feet, and face all feature a variety of unusual markings.
These marks have a striking resemblance to the lacerations that Jesus Christ received while on the cross. These wounds bleed easily and do not heal entirely even after they have been treated.
The rumor about the so-called “lucky child” quickly traveled from hospitals and throughout the rest of the country in the Philippines.
They had no idea that thousands of people had gathered inside and outside the building, praying and saying things like “Thank God for sending Jejomar” and “Welcome to the Savior.”
“This baby has a very unusual illness that is marked by a red or purple staining of the skin,” Dr. Merlyn Cruz, one of the finest microbiologists in the country, stated. “This boy has a very unique syndrome.”
In addition to that, she stated, “I have to acknowledge that this is an astounding instance,” “Only a handful of similar cases have been recorded in history, and this is the first time a baby has,” which indicates that the individual’s gathered a scientific understanding of his pathology was limited. We are conducting several different tests to figure out what these sores are and what is causing them to occur, but as of right now, we haven’t discovered anything.
It is believed by many people that this child’s inexplicable injuries are connected to the “Return of Jesus Christ” described in the Bible, and it would appear that Christians had called upon a saint. It appears that whatever happens to infant Jejomar Castillo will be determined by the unexplained wounds he sustained.
People who had suffered in the past from unusual ailments had one thing in common: they had all experienced the anguish that Jesus went through to save us through those wounds. Marie Rose Ferron was one of them; she was the one who bore all of Christ’s wounds till the day she passed away at the age of 33, the same age that Jesus Christ passed away.