After distributing hundreds of resumes to random people on the street, a desperate father eventually finds employment again…

Everyone has a difficult time loing their job, and it may be difficult to get back on your feet. Patrick Hoagland, formerly employed as a forklift operator for a metal recycling firm, had just been let go from his position.

He diligently applied for a number of jobs online and then walked about the neighborhood delivering his resume to different establishments in the area. After a few weeks of looking for work but coming up empty, Hoagland decided it was time for a change and embarked on a new career path.

After making this decision, he proceeded to go out into the street with a handwritten sign, requesting passersby to accept one of his resumes and informing them that he had just just lost his job.

Hoagland said, “I had only been jobless for a few weeks, but it was highly unexpected, and I wanted to figure out something as quickly as possible. At first, I laughed and thought it was ridiculous, but as time went on, I began to think more and more about it.

I decided, what the heck, why not?! There are millions of people traveling around in Phoenix; it’s possible that I’ll get employment there.” The thirty-year-old man started his job search by heading out into the world with two hundred copies of his resume in hand.

When Melissa Di Gianfilippo was driving through Phoenix, she was one of the fortunate few who saw Hoagland among the hundreds of others who passed him by.

Since DiGianfilippo, who is the proprietor of a marketing and public relations business, was taken aback by his inventiveness, she quickly obtained a copy of his resume.

She was aware that his expertise was not a good match for her company, but she made the decision to share his resume on social media in the hopes that someone in her sphere of influence might be able to assist him.

Hoagland was flooded with more employment offers than he could have ever dreamed of receiving, in addition to the hundreds of well-wishes and messages of good fortune he got from companies, contractors, and recruiters.

“It was out of control. For a brief period of time, navigating my phone was difficult; nonetheless, I was presented with a large number of appealing offer options. I was given jobs at firms that wouldn’t accept someone without experience, but since they saw how determined I was, they gave me a job without even having me come in for an interview.”

I was given jobs at firms that wouldn’t accept someone without experience, but since they saw how determined I was, they gave me a job without even having me come in for an interview.”

“I was absolutely expecting that he would receive some excellent employment leads out of the post,” DiGianfilippo said, “but I definitely did not foresee it lighting up in the manner that it did!”

Hoagland invested some time in considering all of the options available, and in the end, he decided to work with Flatline Concrete Grinding in Phoenix.

The gratitude that Hoagland feels is beyond words. He stated, “She has been so kind; she didn’t need to assist me, but she did, and it has altered my life. I am very thankful that she is in my life.”



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