Arrogant Passenger Ate My Plane Meal – Karma Didn’t Let It Slide

A 35-year-old marketing consultant boarded her flight from New York to Los Angeles, expecting a routine trip. She was heading to a big conference with a tight connection to San Diego, so everything was planned down to the minute. As she took her seat, she noticed the man beside her, dressed sharply, barely acknowledged her, checking his expensive watch as if he had someplace more important to be.

Halfway through the flight, she went to the restroom. Upon returning, she found her meal tray gone and the man happily digging into his second meal. “You were taking a while, so I figured you didn’t want it,” he said with a smug smile. Frustrated, she settled for pretzels, while he finished both meals and promptly fell asleep.

As the plane landed in LA, an announcement informed passengers connecting to San Diego about a last-minute gate change. She debated waking the man but decided to leave him sleeping. Later, at her meeting in San Diego, a colleague mentioned seeing a disoriented man at LAX who had missed his connection. “He was arguing with a gate agent because he fell asleep and missed the announcement,” her colleague explained.

Realizing it was the same man who had eaten her meal, she couldn’t help but smile. “That’s karma in action,” her colleague remarked, a sentiment she fully agreed with.

In the end, while she made her connection, the man was left regretting his actions, proving that sometimes, karma doesn’t let things slide.

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