The one-of-a-kind welcome game that this teacher played with her students at the start of class has gone viral…

One educator from South Georgia is striving to make the pupils’ educational experiences seem more enjoyable and welcoming. Children eagerly anticipate her courses on a daily basis as a result of her one-of-a-kind method of welcoming each and every one of her pupils.

Jamie Judy conceived of a strategy to make the kids’ greetings more individual in order to provide the impression that the school is a more fun, entertaining, and welcoming place.

“When the children walk in, they get to select one way to welcome me, and I answer with whatsoever they’ve chosen,” Judy revealed.

Jamie’s pupils had the option of giving her a hug, giving her a fist bump, or dancing with her as a result of an idea she saw on Pinterest and modified from there.

In addition to these, the children also have additional three options available to them daily from which they may choose something else to eat.

When asked why she decided to incorporate the unusual greeting style with her students, Judy responded by saying that her students are like members of her family, and because of this, she wished for the classroom to be one that was welcoming and warm.

As a result, getting them in the morning is something that is both special and important.