Suddenly, a mother felt strange while out to dinner with her daughter and soon-to-be son-in-law. Despite the fact that they had been dating for some time, she suddenly developed a creeping notion that she was powerless to deny.
It all began with a tale her son-in-law related over dinner.

When the couple attended dinner with their mothers, Kay and Fiona, it had already been four years. By the end, the mother felt quite strange. Kay related tales of Heidi’s early years, including the “vacation lover” she had when she was six years old while sailing in Turkey.
Her “lover,” who was also named Ed, had been there for two weeks.

Ed Savitt was really Heidi’s “vacation boyfriend,” not Heidi. The fact that the pair had already met many years prior was unknown to both families. A tiny world indeed!

To see more images of Heidi and Ed as children while on vacation in Turkey, watch the video below: