I DON’T WANT TO BE A LIAR, BUT…’: Beyonce asked about Rihanna’s and Chris’ situation – FULL VIDEO BELOW 👇👇👇

‘I DON’T WANT TO BE A LIAR, BUT…’: Beyonce asked about Rihanna`s and Chris` situation

Here is Beyonce on Larry King,asked about Rihanna`s and Chris` situation.

She is NOT being fake here. This is an extremely sensitive question, and she handled it well.


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Chris Brown Tweeted That He Wants To Go On Tour With Rihanna And People Are Not Having It

Chris Brown stirred up some controversy on Twitter yesterday, when he tweeted that he wants to go on “a crazy world tour” with some big-name acts — including Rihanna.

Twitter: @chrisbrown

Now, in case you didn’t know: Rihanna and Chris Brown used to date.

Christopher Polk / Getty Images

In Feb. 2009, he assaulted her, just hours before they were supposed to go to the Grammy Awards together.

Victor Decolongon / Getty Images

Rihanna was taken to the hospital after the attack, and the photos of her injuries went viral. The pair broke up soon after.

Scott Gries / Getty Images

Anyway. Now Chris Brown is tweeting that he wants to go on tour with her

Or at least collect 10% of her profits.

Twitter: @chrisbrown

NEEDLESS TO SAY, people had some thoughts on this.

Twitter: @bceeteedubz

(Rihanna’s birth name is Robyn Fenty.)

Lots of people were angry to hear Rihanna’s name coming out of his mouth.

Twitter: @katysbottom

Others felt like Brown wasn’t qualified to join the likes of Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Bruno Mars onstage.

Twitter: @rihweready

Some folks thought Brown’s tour idea was actually pretty good — if they could just get rid of him.

Twitter: @daddyandrexo
Despite the backlash, some people have come to Brown’s defense — saying that because Rihanna has publicly forgiven him, it’s time for the rest of the world to move on, too.

Twitter: @TheRealSharRene

But others are just not having it.

Twitter: @Yeahmorgs

And that’s that on that.

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