Taking your dog for a grooming session is like spinning the wheel of fortune. You think you know what you’re gonna see when you come pick the little furry boi or gurl up, but that’s not always how it works.
You see, in times of worldwide social isolation and our best efforts to stay home, our beloved pets haven’t had a decent wash and cut in ages. Many have grown their fur way beyond their recognizable selves, and given the first opportunity, no owner would wait any longer to take them to the grooming salon.
After the session is over, things have changed, literally. According to people on social media, their dogs are not only unrecognizable, they’re literally different dogs. Can you go from being a proud parent to a cocker spaniel with luscious locks to a cute short-haired beagle in less than an hour? Yes, you can. Is there a conspiracy that groomers around the world have been mixing up doggos and handing their owners the wrong ones? You could call it that. Watch tje video before and after and share with your friends 😍 WATCH HERE >VIDEO
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