She would be “proud” of him now since he “climbed” onto her deathbed with shackles and “cried”…

Hollywood starlet The only kid that Farah Fawcett ever had and the one that she cherished the most was her son. Even though she had been with the man who would become the father of her kid for for two decades, she turned down the proposal of marriage on many occasions.

Years before the birth of her kid, actress Farah Fawcett pretended to be pregnant and attempted to plan out what her life will be like in the years to come. She said that she had an illusory pregnancy.

In an interview four years before she gave birth to her one and only child, a boy called Redmond, whom she welcomed with actor Ryan O’Neal, Fawcett stated, “So, I did attempt to plan my life.” Redmond was the product of her relationship with O’Neal. At the time of birth, the doting father, who had been there to record the precious moments of the labor, severed the umbilical chord.

Fawcett gave birth to her first child at the age of 37, and it became clear to the media that she did not choose any other methods to have a kid at her advanced maternal age.

In January of 1985, Fawcett became a mother for the first time. Even still, the fact that she did not have the pregnancy terminated despite the fact that she was concentrating more on her work was unexpected.

When questioned in the past whether she would want to have a kid if she remarried, Fawcett responded affirmatively and said that she did want to have a child since she enjoyed being a mother. When they first met, she was still married to her one and only husband, the actor Lee Majors, whom she had wed in 1973; however, the pair did not have any children together. O’Neal became her second husband.

However, at the time, the couple were no longer living together and were in the process of getting a divorce. However, despite the divorce in 1982, the topic of marriage continued to be rather contentious.

During an interview with Interview Magazine in December 1981, Fawcett sidestepped the topic of remarrying and said that she did not want to marry the man who was the father of her kid. According to ABC News, the native of Texas and O’Neal began dating in 1980 and lived together with their son Redmond at that time.

During an interview on “20/20” in June 2009, the star of “Paper Moon” disclosed to Barbara Walters that he had often asked Farrah Fawcett to marry him during the course of their professional careers and that he had never lost faith in the fact that they would one day tie the knot:

I used to constantly propose to her the idea of us getting married. But at this point, you have to admit that it’s simply a joke. We merely laughed about it.”

Sadly, it never came to fruition, as the pair dated for a total of 17 years until they made the decision in 1997 to end their relationship. Fawcett once said in an interview that the “Love Story” actor was “too dictatorial” for her, which is why she did not accept any of the star’s offers.

In the same issue of Interview Magazine, which was published in December 1981, the mother of one disclosed that O’Neal “barely lets me go to the gynecologist.”

Fawcett did not shift her attention away from her son Redmond after the couple split up. She was left to raise her son, who was 15 at the time, on her own, and it was difficult for her to do so since he became a troublesome adolescent during this time.

Additionally, Fawcett’s sister Diane was diagnosed with lung cancer and treated with chemotherapy for the condition. At the age of 62, Diane lost her courageous fight against cancer in October 2001 in the city of Houston, Texas. Klein Memorial Park served as the location for her interment. It is a terrible irony that Fawcett outlived both her father and mother.

After that, Fawcett was only able to rely on her father and her kid for support. After a number of years had passed, she was eventually diagnosed with anal cancer, and her health started to worsen. During the time when Redmond’s mother was sick, he and his father developed a closer relationship.

On the other hand, in 2009 Redmond was arrested for his drug usage, which led to him getting into some difficulties. However, his mother was not aware that he had been locked up at any point in time.

During the time that Fawcett was fighting the sickness, the state of California authorized Fawcett’s son, who was incarcerated at the time for breaching the terms of his probation on drug charges, to see his mother at her residence for a period of at least three hours per day.

O’Neal admonished their son, “Don’t rattle your chains!” after seeing that the former cast member of “Charlie’s Angels” was unaware that her son was now incarcerated. Redmond crawled up into the bed to comfort his mother, who was still sound asleep, and sobbed into her shoulder.

After a courageous fight against cancer that lasted three years, Fawcett lost her life on June 25, 2009, at the age of 62 years old. Friends of hers told People what they heard to be the deceased person’s last remarks before she took her last breath, as reported by Good Housekeeping.

Mela Murphy, a friend of the “Playboy” model, said that the mother of the boy was really worried about the future of her child. Murphy disclosed to Fawcett that she had promised to watch after Redmond, who was 24 years old when his mother passed away. Fawcett had been reassured by Murphy that she would do so.

“She was calling him by his name, Redmond,” you said. That was the last thing that she had to say. I assured her that I would look out for him and that I would be there for him at all times. I said, ‘You may leave now.’ It was just a few of hours until she passed away.

It is true that Fawcett did give her son a legacy of $4.5 million in her will. The funds were intended to be used toward Redmond’s medical expenses and rehabilitation expenses.

CNN reported in June of 2010 that Redmond had visited Fawcett’s cemetery for the first time since the anniversary of her passing. He was joined on the trip by his father and his stepsister, Tatum. Fawcett had gone away the previous year in June.

He offered his thoughts on the arrangement of her last resting place, expressed his happiness at having the opportunity to see her, and let her know that he was doing well:

“It was quite pleasant, and it was done out in a very beautiful way. Simply being able to be there for her and reassuring her that everything is OK has made me quite pleased.

According to reports, Redmond was apparently out on a day pass from the treatment facility in Pasadena, California, where he was receiving court-ordered drug rehabilitation at the time.

During this time, his father addressed an exclusive meeting of family and friends at the offices of the Farrah Fawcett Foundation, which is located in Beverly Hills, California. During this time, his father talked openly about his recovery journey.

O’Neal said that it was clear that Redmond had made an attempt to work on himself, which made them pleased. O’Neal also stated that the same reason why he was permitted to show face was because of this effort that Redmond had done to improve himself.

“You know, to expose my face and let everyone know that I’m doing well. Redmond said that it was impossible to remain hidden indefinitely. Tatum, his biological step-sibling, praised him on his good looks and remarked that his biological mother would be “proud” of him.

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