Chilling Connection Exposed: ‘The Ones Who Live’ Unravels Bone-Chilling Tie to Past Episodes

In an episode of The Ones Who Live, fans have pointed out a significant connection to a dark moment from The Walking Dead.

Although The Walking Dead is long since dead and buried, its story lives on through numerous spinoffs. As the world continues to grow, fans are able to invest in characters old and new as they continue to tread through the infected world.

The latest, The Ones Who Live, reveals what happened to Rick and Michonne after their respective exits from the original series. It’s not been an easy journey for either of them, even if they have finally reunited.

As time goes on, fans can’t help but find new links between The Ones Who Live and the original show. The latest, found in Episode 3, has given fans a real throwback to one of the most intense moments from the very first season of The Walking Dead.

Lesley-Ann Brandt as Thorne on The Ones Who Live, standing in the dark

Walking Dead fans find connection between Thorne and Shane

Over on The Walking Dead subreddit, fans of the show have drawn a new connection between Thorne targeting Michonne in The Ones Who Live and Shane preparing to shoot Rick in The Walking Dead.

One user pointed out: “Thorne raising her rifle on Michonne felt very reminiscent of Shane doing the same to Rick in S1. I can’t help but think this was done on purpose,” while another said: “Thorne eyeing the shot at Michonne felt like a callback to Shane eyeing his shot at Rick in Season 1.”

They’re referring to the moment in TOWL Episode 3 when Michonne disobeys Thorne, who lines Michonne up in her sight, gun pointed. Thankfully, Rick spots her and gets in the way.

This moment is very similar to a scene in Season 1 Episode 5 of the original series, wherein Shane gets an unsuspecting Rick in his firing line. However, Dale intercepts the potential shooting and goes on to hold it against Shane in Season 2. Ultimately, the scene presents Shane as a genuine threat for the first time, an idea that continues to chip away at his and Rick’s relationship until its bloody end.

“Big Shane vibes,” one Redditor agreed on a different thread. “She even made the same face and everything too,” another comment added.

“The millisecond I saw that I instantly thought of Shane,” said another.

Thorne, tasked with keeping Rick’s secret, is increasingly growing irritated and suspicious of Michonne (a.k.a. Dana). As she rises in the ranks, it’s hard to believe that she’d continue to risk it all one someone she barely knows. We’ll have to wait and see how her plans pan out, but if she ends up anything like Shane, then she won’t have a happy fate.